xvv- unexpected

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It had been several days since my phone call with Harry, and it was safe to say I was still wallowing in my own misery.

Zayn had all but given up on comforting me, I rejected it every time. He just kept his distance now, talking to me for essential reasons.

I didn't like to leave the house, but sadly, the fridge was down to a bag of frozen peas and a stick of butter.

I donned my coat and prepared for the freezing London weather. The cold hit me like a blast as I exited the apartment block and made my way down the road. I soon reached the Tesco, which was just around the corner, but still a trek in this weather.

I picked up my groceries and paid, but, just as I was about to leave, it began to pour with rain. I groaned, the cold was bad enough, but now I would get soaked.

I took a deep breath, shielded my eyes and ran out into the street, keeping my head down, walking fast. All until I collided with something.

It was warm, and taller than me, and familiar and colourful?

My eyes snapped up to meet Harry's. He looked different, his eyes weren't as green, his nose was red, and the skin under his eyes was dark. Like he had been sleep deprived. Dead on his feet, almost.

"Harry." I whispered, my breath making a small cloud in front of my face. "Where are you going?" I asked after a minute. The rain was long forgotten, just a pain in the arse that I could deal with.

"I don't know..." he mumbled. I'd never seen Harry like this. He was far from the confident, happy guy I'd met and come to love, he was cold and sad.

"Come home with me." I said gently, though my tone portrayed me, and I sounded like I was begging. He nodded very slowly and began to follow me down the road to my apartment.

It was warm inside, and Harry seemed great fun for the change in temperature. He slowly took off his coat and hung it on a hook by the door next to mine. Then he just stood awkwardly in the doorway, staring at me as I unlaced my shoes.

"You alright? Warm enough? Can I get you a drink?" I pleaded, in an attempt to break the weird silence between us. He shook his head and came to sit beside me on the couch.

"I miss you, Niall Horan." He said and my heart ached. He hadn't called me that for months. "I miss you too," I whispered looking down, feeling the lump in my throat swell.

"Niall, I have to tell you something," he said, but I kept my head down, knowing if I looked in his eyes I would be a blubbering mess.

"Something happened, to me, or to us I guess- and it wasn't supposed to. It just did because I can't control my feelings and- what I'm trying to say is, that I like you," he paused, chuckling humourlessly, "there you go. Remember that night at the bar, when you told me you liked me? Well, I decided I liked you back, but I shouldn't. I- I'm sorry because I didn't know what to do, or how to be around you. So I tried to eliminate you. But, the truth is, I'm worse without you..." He trailed off.

There was nothing I could do to stop the tears that flowed thickly from my eyes now. I pulled in a breath and looked up to meet his wary eyes.

Then I was sobbing, absolutely loosing it. I began hyperventilating and crying and coughing all in one go. Everything came crashing down on me all at once. The night at the bar, the phone call, the first time I'd seen his eyes, when we met, when I decided I was in love with him. And I had to tell him, but I didn't know how. "Harry-" I tried to get out, "Harry I'm so sorry! About the other day! You just called and I didn't know what to-"

I was cut off with a pair of warm lips pressing against mine. It took me a second to figure out what was going on.

Harry Styles was kissing me.


[sorry I didn't update in a while I'm working on a new fic]

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- J

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