The Relationship Writer - Chapter 16

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I was gonna update right when I came back from Canada, but I had major writer's block. >.<

So yeah, here's the next, writer's block-free chappie. c:


Chapter 16

"Well look at that," I said, standing up from the ground. I looked at Aaron, who was raising an amused eyebrow at me. "Storm's over. Bye," I said, smiling slightly. I started for the door.

I half-expected Aaron to call me back with some smug comment about my humiliating panic attack, but I was glad when he didn't. But for some reason, it disappointed me a little. I don't even know why.

When I reached the door, I hesitated at the doorknob. Not only was I just a tiny bit disappointed, but I was also suspicious. I narrowed my eyes. Aaron had to be up to something. It wasn't like him to just say nothing.

To make sure, I jogged back over to the family room, where Aaron was still sitting on the couch. He watched me with an amused smirk as I peeked around the corner. "Umm, I'm leaving now," I said awkwardly. Aaron looked like he was stifling a laugh. He just nodded. I cleared my throat, nodding back. I started pulling myself away. But I quickly found another excuse to go back.

"I'll work on the article some more, I guess. 'Cuz you know, that's what I do," I said, feeling even more awkward than before. Aaron's smirk widened, and who knows what he was thinking.

Huh. I guess he really wasn't going to say anything.

And I guess I'm home free.

Usually, I would've been more excited. Believe me, I was ecstatic... but just not the same level of excitement that I normally was every time I left Aaron's. It was weird. Beyond weird.

I stepped outside, closing the door behind me. When I turned around to face the street, I saw why Aaron hadn't bothered saying anything.

Everything, even Aaron's porch, was completely flooded. I frantically looked to the left, where my house was. I took a deep breath, telling myself getting home was worth it.

"You can do this, Riley," I said, giving myself a pep talk. "It's just water..."

Dirty, muddy, disgusting water.

I squeezed my eyes shut, walking down the first step of the porch. The water already reached my knee there. I took another step down, and the water reached mid-thigh. And when I finally reached the ground, the water was up to my hips.

What is this, 2012? How long was that storm?!

I wrinkled my nose in digust, making my way to the street. The road was slightly raised from where the houses were, so my best bet at getting home was by reaching the street. I started trudging up the slight incline, trying to ignore the squishy feeling in my shoes. But it was just my luck; I tripped on a root, falling forwards and wetting the rest of my body. And the splash wet my face and hair.


"Riley! What the hell?!"

I whipped around, only to find Aaron standing on his porch. He was looking at me, obviously bewildered. My mouth just fell open in anger.

"What do you mean, 'what the hell?!' You didn't stop me!" I yelled. "I told you I was leaving, you bastard!"

"I didn't know you actually would! Get out of there!" he yelled back. I waved my hand at him in exasperation.

"Sheesh, I'm perfectly capable of getting home. I'm literally fifteen feet away!" I said, taking another step towards the street. I tried looking down into the water, so I could see if there was anything to trip on, but it was too murky. All I saw were swirling trails of dirt.

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