Yuki <3

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Sam's POV


That's all I've been able to think about during class.

I just almost missed my name during role call.

I know its crazy but she is just so... UNIQUE!

"Ok class..."

My day dream of Yuki was interrupted by Mrs Okami.

"Today we will be moving seats so please pick a buddy to partner up with".

The minute she said partner up my eyes sprung over to Yuki and strangly enough she looked straight at me.

I barely know her and she barely knows me but we walked over to each other anyway.

"Hi" I said awkwardly

"Hi" she said blushing

She looked so cute when she blushed

"So um..."

"Yeah Sam"

"Wanna be my partner..."

Yuki's POV

(time travel back to role call)

OMG, Sam is sooooo adorable

I think he was looking at me for a moment there!

Maybe he has feelings for me!

Maybe he feels the same way I do!

Awwwwww sam


"Here Sensei" I replied to  Mrs Okami during role call.

Mrs Okami told us we were moving seats and that we had to pick a partner to sit with.

My eyes jumped to Sam who's eyes jumped to me too.

He got up and walked over

"Hi" he said awkwardly

"Hi" I said blushing

Uh oh I think he noticed me blushing because he looked at me with the most adorable smile and blushed.

"So um..."

"Yeah Sam"

"Wanna be my partner..."


In my head awas screaming YES at the top of my lungs but I knew I had to be calm and subtle about this so I took a deep breath.

"Yes, id love to be your partner"

His face lit up and he came over and sat next to me.

Taurtis' POV

This morning in role call Sam looked out of it. I saw him walk into Class with a pink haired girl and they both seemed quite happy.

When Mrs Okami told us to partner up I stood up to go to Sam but instead he got up before me and walked over to Yuki. I felt a little abandoned but Chan came over so I partnered up with her.

During class I felt quite upset...

Why had Sam gone to Yuki, A girl he just met, instead of going to his best friend.

The bell rang and when I looked around the room I  saw Sam he was walk off to lunch with Yuki who wasgiggling at every cheasy joke Sam made.

What gotten into Sam?

Remember? (Taurtis x SamGladiator x SirCutieYuki)Where stories live. Discover now