The Behind the Scenes Bully (750 read special)

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Taurtis' POV (its been a while Taurtis)

Ok what have I done... What did I let happen... I let them attack Sam... He passed out for goodness sake... It's just like whenever I see him I just get angry but afterwards I feel terrible. I still... like him, as a friend... I think, but I just hate seeing him with Yuki, Its like something just snaps inside off me, I cant control it. I walk home to our house but I hear Sam crying but as I begin to climb the stairs I hear... Yuki! so I quickly skedaddle out the house and to chan's house. I'm such a bully. Oh my goodness.

Yuki's POV

"Sam... Why!?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes, he was such a happy bunny who hop down optimistic lane with anyone who got close to him. What happened, I don't know but I need to know why he is cutting, why he is depressed, why he screamed Taurtis before I came in and threw away the blade... I need to know

"Yuki... I'm sorry" He cries, I pull him into a hug. As much as I want to know what happened I don't want to push him in the state he is in.

"Yuki I need to tell you something but after I tell you your going to hate me"

"I could never hate you Sam" I reply as all the possibilities rush through my mind

Sam stands up and walks over to the window then looks down " Yuki before I tell you this I need you to know that I love you and always will forever and a day..."

"Ok" Now I'm getting really worried

"Yuki ive known this for a long time but ive never been able to admit it to myself let alone to someone else but I need to get this off my chest... I'm..." He whispered the last word so quietly I could barely hear.

Sam's POV

I've done it... I've said it... the one thing that will end our relationship... but the one thing I had to admit...

"I'm Bisexual"

I'm prepared to be slapped... or to be abandoned. She walks over and does the unthinkable...

She hugs me and whispers "I love you too... No matter what"

I start to cry for the 1782nd time today but its tears of happiness... she loves me...

But then...WHAM!!!... it hits me... I have to tell Taurtis

I glance over at my blades and whisper

"This isn't going to end well..."

(A/N- THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!! So much for 750 reads. I love reading the comments and all your stories. I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier but my computer wouldn't power on because it has something against USB's. If you ever have a problem with anything I write please tell me. If you have any ideas please tell me. you can enter my competition on chapter 5 'Whats happening?' and again sorry for bad grammer but ' don' t blame it on my grammer, grammer. Just blame on torito's" btw I just tries to write that as a song lyric.

Ps. If you have any problems to do with life you can talk to me. I can help and I try and reply to all comments except hate.

PPs. if your writing a Sam and Taurtis fanfic then just eat Toritos for a brain explosion, side effects include; bad grammer, unhealthy obsession with all the ships and You may go blind. if you don't have toritos just eat doritos but they wont be as good.

Wow 600 words, I'm getting good at writing more

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