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  Brothers Fíli and Kíli grew up on tales of the mountain. They would remember how much they'd beg their uncle Thorin to sit down and tell them about Erebor. Little Fíli only had his imagination and would ponder how the Lonely Mountain would look like. But no amount of that could ever prepare him for the magnificence of Erebor.
  Even six months subsequent to their arrivals, the brothers would stare at the mountain in complete fascination. For even when it was inhabited by a dragon for many years, it never ceased to amaze.

Dís was the mother of Fíli and Kíli and the sister to Thorin Oakenshield. When she had received word of the reclamation of the mountain, immediately she thought of her brother and her two boys. They are still alive, she thought. They must be. I will see them all soon. She continuously reiterated to herself for self-assurance, even though she felt sick with apprehension. She recalled repeating something along those lines when her husband departed to fight in war.
Only for him to not come back.

Day after day, she expected one of the Dwarven warriors to arrive at her dwelling, informing her of the death of Thorin and her two sons. Precisely in the same way the news of her husband came to her. She prayed to Mahal that would not be the case.

Dís remembered how tough she thought it would be raising two boys on her own. That was until Thorin took them under his wing and acted like the father figure they never had. Kíli was just an infant when Thorin came to his sister's aid. From time to time, she had to remind him Thorin was just his uncle.

What happened to father?

This question was always asked by the brunette-haired dwarfling. Dís wanted to tell him when he was old enough. So she told him half the truth.

He went on a journey. But he's not coming back from it.

Why not?

I'm not sure.

But Dís was aware Fíli knew what really occurred. He was only five years old but he was a very intelligent dwarfling.
Dís wished he didn't know though. She wished she could've saved him the pain, like what she did for Kíli.

However, none of them have to face pain anymore. None have to deal with heartbreak or fear. The Battle of the Five Armies passed. It was won.
Dís had her home back. She had her sons and her brother back. They were all there. They were okay and alive. Thorin was now King Under The Mountain.

Before, she feared she would be arriving to Erebor, not for a celebration but the complete opposite. To see her boys lying down expressionless, candles surrounding them, swords in hands. She remembered shaking the unthinkable out of her mind. Whatever the case may be, she would be strong. She is a Durin. She knew she had to act like one.

Nevertheless, she had nothing to fret.
The instant her eyes landed on the blonde and brunette headed dwarves, she knew they had kept their promises to come back to her.

Six months later, all has continued to be well in the Kingdom of Erebor.

~First chapter of the new fic is up! It's basically a filler and I know it's boring but it will get better I promise, please just bear with me :) I hope this new fic can make up for the other one I never got around to (you know which one) and I just want to thank my friend Vanessa for helping me develop this story☺️ she's da real mvp✌🏼️~

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