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I hunted with the brothers. As of tonight I lived with them. Some asshole demon found out about my place of residence and torched it. I ganked the SOB. The brothers helped me out of course and now they were driving me to the bunker. I was excited because I have been thinking that one particular couple would be adorable. I already talked to Sam. He agrees.

We decided to take a break from hunts because the last couple time our ass has been handed to us. Last time Sam was in the hospital! Let's just say I had a heart attack. (Sam may or not be the person I am in love with). Do not even get me started on how Dean reacted. I thought he was going to go down to hell and tell Crowley to keep his black eyes friends to himself.

Castiel has been staying at the bunker unwilling to return to Heaven currently. And Gabriel is my favorite angel and my best friend. I tell him everything. Even my love for Sam. Which I have never told anyone how I feel about someone.

"Hey jackass are you listening to me." Dean said. I looked up from the window of the impala.

"Huh. Sorry spacing out."

"Noticed. Call your feathered friend. You are going to miss your night out. No way we are making it to the bunker tonight."

"I will tell him. " I replied Cooly. I pulled my phone out of my pocket cursing under my breath while I struggled. I listened to the annoying sound  waiting for Gabe to answer.

"What the hell do you want. " he answered. I smiled.

"I wanted to tell you we won't be home tonight. You don't need to be an ass about it. " I replied.

"And. Just tell me where you are. I will use angel mojo to come hang out with you. "

"Eww okay. We are in South Carolina. I will text you the details." I said and then I hung up. I texted him our exact location. It was easier since Dean pulled into a motel right as I was typing.

"Alright I will check in. You two grab the bags." Dean said pulling the key out of the ignition. I nodded opening my door. As I grabbed bags from the trunk hands wrapped around my waist scaring the literal shit out of me. I whipped around dropping the bags and scrambling for a weapon.

My eyes met Gabes and my heart relaxed. I pushed him while calling him a dick and picked the bags back up. He rolled his eyes at me and took the bags from me.

"Whatever. How are you Sam? You wanna know something cool?" Gabe said turning to Sam. My heart took another leap.

"Hmmm. " Sam said a little distracted. It was cold out and his brother is slow.

"Well, shorty here, told me when she was younger she thought it would be fun to prank her sister. She sprayed oil in her sisters hair to make it look greasy. Well the next night her sister dyed her hair, well the part she could get to, red. " Gabe told this long story. A really old story of mine.

Luckily Dean walked out and motioned us over to the room.

"Jeez Dean. Could you have gone slower I am freezing out here. " I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe not wearing short and a tank in the winter would help." He said opening the door.

"Hey these are my travel clothes. They are year round. Get over it." I replied. I opened my bag and pulled out some jeans and a flannel ( the boys had me convinced) and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and Gabe grabbed my hand. I waved as he pulled me out the door.

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