What! That Fast!

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Well, I hope you guys like this chapter ^_^! Pweas vote/comment/like. Sorry for any misspelled words! :D


   "Tulip! My gosh you are not listening to me today!" shouted Kaylee. I was distracted about what happened in the morning. I was trying to listen to Kaylee.

 "Tulip! My gosh girl listen to me!" shouted Kaylee. She kept on poking me until I looked at her.


  "Don't 'yes' me ! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

   "I'm so embarrassed about what happened in the morning!"

 "Oh yeah when you landed on top of that hot guy, lucky ass I should have never pushed you."

"I also left him there and he was still talking to me, man if I ever see him again I don't know what to do. Though I never seen him here before,"

"He's new here, I know cuz he wasn't here for 2 years."

 "You're right! I hope he doesn't think I'm a rude person," I really hope he doesn't think I'm a loser.

  "Look Bryan is coming! Woohoo Bryan over here"

   One thing about Bryan is that he is handsome and really smart. Him and Kaylee look like they were twins. They have been friends since first grade. I met them in the fourth grade. They wanted to be my friend because they felt sorry for me because people picked on me because of Mandy. I never understood what I did to her that makes her hate me.

  She always did mean things to me. In the sixth grade she actually threw me into a trash can! She and her friends laughed at me. One time in the seventh grade she put crazy glue on my seat and when I sat down I wasn't able to get out of my seat.

  Though Kaylee and Bryan are my best friends. They understand me and I understand them.

 "OMG! I missed you guys! Come here and give Bryan a hug,"said Bryan.

  We gave him a really big hug and he started telling us about how his vacation was. It was interesting, he went to Rome and then Italy. Lucky ass....

 "Tulip! Whats wrong with her?"he asked.

   Kaylee rolled her eyes and said "She's been like that since the morning! Oh I pushed her because she wasn't listening to me talk and she landed on a sexy,mmmm,yummy hot guy! Tulip you should have pulled me down with you so I would have been on top of two sexy people" she wiggled her eye brows and I laughed.

  "Oh! He talked to her and she didn't listen to him! She left when the bell rang and he was still talking to her!"

" Tulip honey you need to seriously stop spacing out. There's a bunch of guys that want to be with you and your to shy to even talk to one of them. You just landed on a guy that to kaylee's point is hot. You will get even more picked at if you keep doing that" said Bryan.

  I rolled my eyes at him and said "Thanks Bryan that was a really good advice for me,"

  "Ha! Oh! I forgot to tell you guys that Mandy already got a new boyfriend! He's new here!

 "Dam shame, he will be missed,"said Kaylee.

  "Oh um Tulip maybe there's  a chance that boy will like you or something. How did he look like?"

 I didn't see him that well sooo...

  "He has light brown hair and his eyes are like hazel but they look like a good caramel color,"

 "OH gosh I want him! Tulip if he likes a girl with black hair and the bottom tips are blue I'm his girl."

   "Um okay." I blushed, why would a super sexy and yummy hot guy date me. I am pretty but it's my personality that some people don't like about me.

  "Hey that's Mandy's boyfriend Jase!"shouted not to loud for people to hear.

  I looked over where Mandy was. There she was making out with her boyfriend, um ewww. Don't they feel weird people watching them make out? The boy stopped kissing her and started talking with his friends. I finally got to see face more clearly and he  looked familiar.

"Kaylee i-i-i-its him that boy that I fell on today!"

 Kaylee looked at him and she said "OH shit! you're right! Man this sucks, he's dating Mandy!"

  Man! How did Mandy get a hold of him that fast! He only came here for a day and he's already Mandy's boyfriend. This fudgin sucks!


 "Tulip say the bad word don't replace it with another word"said Bryan.

 "I don't want to!"

"Okay sheesh women! Anyways  what are your classes?"

"I have Art,Calculus,History,science,and..." 

  Jase started looking at me. I didn't get to finish my sentence because I was distracted looking at his beautiful face. He smiled at me and winked. I can tell I blushed because I can feel my face getting warm.

  "My gosh she's doing it again Bryan... Omfg Jase is looking at you Tulip!"

  "Shhh! Don't say it out loud, what if Mandy hears you!"

  "I don't give shit about her!"

 "Look you guys we have to go ,class is about to start,"said Bryan.

  What? I didn't hear the bell ring.

  "Okay lets go, all three of us have the last two classes together!" I said.

 We all left our regular lunch table an went to class. Mandy and her friends stayed. Jase  stayed too. When I saw him one last time he winked at me again.


SO DO YOU LIKEE!!? I kinda did! pweasse vote/like/comment.

I'll try to make this story interesting :D

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