Fine I'll go with you!

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 Hey everyone! :D I hope you like this story so far! So enough of me chit chatting ;)! Vote/fan/comment pwease!


    What did he just say! OMFG! A hot, no, SEXY guy like Jase wants to take me home! Yay! I wonder if his car is... Dam I can't Mandy will kill me. Why does this boy have to be my enemy boyfriend!

 "I-I-I- NO! Let me go to my desk Jase!" I said. I tried to push him but he didn't budge a bit. Dam why does he has to be so strong and muscular.

  "Yes or No Tulip? You have the end of this period to tell me,"

    "I just gave you my answer!"

   "Though that's not the answer I want to hear!"

"Look if I go with you how am I going to get my car home...."

   " I'll take it with me and give it to you tomorrow at school babe!"said Kaylee. What the FUDGE! She must of been right next to me and didn't try to help me!

    "Kaylee help me!"

    "Nah babe, lots of boys ask you out and you turn them down. Though this hunk is asking you if you want a ride home,and a bunch of girls would want some sexy guy asking them that,"she grinned.

  "She's right you know, not that I'm interested in you I just want to tell you something,"said Jase.

    That hurt when he said he wasn't interested in me.

   "You should do it Tulip!"said Bryan. What the FUDGE! He was here the whole time too and he didn't even help me escape!

   "Bryan! Help Me!!"

   "No sorry,"

   "Jase let me go, what if Mandy see's us! If I get picked on more it will be because of you!" I hissed.

       "Tulip,Mandy isn't here. After she tripped you she asked to go to the bathroom,trust me she isn't coming back, she told me at lunch that she is going to be ditching art for a while,"said Jase.

   Then I said something that made me blush very badly "You guys had time to talk?"

     Bryan and Jase laughed and Kaylee just rolled her eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "What about after school, isn't she going to be with you?"I asked.

      He stopped laughing and frowned"She has cheer leading practice after school,"

     "See Tulip just say yes already!"said both Bryan and Kaylee.

          "Umm, Okay,"

      "YEAH!"all three of them yelled.


       Gosh what did I do to deserve this!  After the bell rang everyone left immediately.Jase and I waited for everyone to leave so no one would see us together. It was my idea for us to wait. I don't want any of Mandy friends to see us together and then they go telling her what happened.  

  When everyone left we went to his car. His car is amazing! He has a Ferrari, man mine is a punch buggy. My buggy was silver and his was black.

  "You can get in when your done staring at my car,"he said with a smirk on his face. I was about to go inside but he just pulled me inside. HOW RUDE!

   "That wasn't nice! I was about to go inside!"

   "Sorry I just missed you that's all"

  Is he FUDGING SERIOUS! I was with him the whole time!

   "Where do you live?"

   Man I have to tell him now,"I don't know my address, I just know the way."

   I was waiting for him to laugh at me but he didn't.

    "Are you the type that forgets easily sometimes?" he asked.

    "Yeah thats sometimes though,"

   Then he laughed at me, great...

   "I'm not laughing at you Tulip, I'm like that to, don't be embarrassed. I can barely remember phone numbers."

     I didn't feel embarrassed anymore when he said that. He understood how I felt.

      "I just remembered that you wanted to talk to to me about something,"I said.

    "Oh yeah thanks for reminding me! Look I guess your wondering how me and Mandy hook up in one day,"

   Yeah I really want to know badly "No I really don't want to know,"

    "Your lying,I can tell because your voice is shaky right now. Either I was going to tell you ."

     Fine have it your way. Why does he want to tell me.

    "I have been in Row's Castle since ninth grade...."

    "Whoa! I never seen you around though,"

    "Well I used to be a nerd,yes a nerd, your friend Kaylee doesn't remember me because I changed my appearance. I used to wear geeky glasses like yours.."

   "HEY!! I can get better one but I see better with this one!"

   "OKAY sorry, I moved and went to live in Spain. I changed my look over there and became popular,became the hottest guy blah blah blah!"

    "Oh so you moved back here and..."

     "Mandy liked me since ninth grade, when I moved she gave me her phone number and email. At first I was happy having her as a girlfriend until I found out she's been having other boyfriends behind my back,"

   "I knew she dates a lot of guys but I never knew she had an official boyfriend actually I don't really remember seeing you at school."

    " Well, I got honor classes, I was really smart and got a lot of advance classes. Though When I moved to Spain I changed a lot and started to behave bad. I wasn't  picked on when I was a nerd but I liked Mandy and I changed for her. Though when I found out she was dating other guys I realized I could have graduated early and have lots of scholarships instead of behaving bad. I could of had advance classes right now but I fucked up.

    "Wow so you really haven't dated other girls,"

   "Oh I HAVE! I dated a lot of girls and had flings with them. I did a lot of sex.."

   "Okay I don't really want to know that part!"

  "Okay tell me something about you,"

   "What do you want to know?"

  "Why does Mandy hate you?"

    "Okay that I cannot answer, I don't even know myself,"


Sorry I took long :( I know its short so the next chapter I'll make it longer.

 Sorry for any mistakes I did! :'(

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