Chapter 10 : New 'friends'

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Craig's P.O.V

I watched Kathy walk on the bus and suddenly heard a deep growl. We all turned to Jonathan to see his eye's a lighter blue, glaring and growling at her. We looked at Kathy and saw her glare back and smirked. We watched in amusement at the two. I lean towards the guys and whisper. "Let's see what game the cat wants to play with the mouse." Tyler and Evan snickered. We all watch her sit in front of us. Jonathan did not like that. After a few seconds from him glaring at her head, she snapped around and smirked. "Take a picture it lasts longer." "You know, you remind me of a Barbie." Jonathan growled out. "Why, because I'm hotter than you?" she smirked. "No, because you're all plastic and no brains." Some people who came on the bus earlier 'oooh'ed her with the gang. Her face got red and she raised a hand to slap him across the face. Suddenly, he caught her wrist, surprising everyone and himself. He then smirked as he squeezed her wrists and she looked like she was in pain. I noticed he spoke in a different deeper voice. "Doesn't feel good does it." She tried to pull away but to no avail. "Does. It." she shook her head. "Then I suggest you leave Jon- me alone. Got it?" She rapidly nodded it. He let her stumbled backwards and watched as her friends helped her out. His eye's went bright anymore, which got us confused. He almost said Jonathan...He began to sway a little and sat down. We all crowed him to block any curious eyes and he quietly groaned. Concerned,  Lui and David grabbed his sides but he hissed in pain, making them immediately let him go. His hand covered his mouth. What the hell? We all looked at him confused. Did someone...? Evan and I both lightly touched his waist and he yelped in pain. He jumped back, only to wince in pain at bumping into Lui and sat up quickly. I grew furious. For some reason, all I wanted to do, want hurt whomever hurt Jonathan...(You're welcome xD) He started shaking quietly as a few tears rolled down his pale cheeks. I heard most of the group curse and a few growled a little. "When we get into the school, you are to immediately go to the bathroom. Got it? There will be no questions asked and you will listen." Evan said, furiously. Damn, I knew he can get angry, but I didn't know he could get this  angry. He was about to object when Evan beat him to it. "You got that Jonathan." I saw him shiver and nod. The bus finally stopped and we all piled out after him. We stayed behind him as people talked about what happened on the bus and what happened after school yesterday. The guys didn't seem to noticed as we followed him to the bathroom. I looked at Tyler and blushed slightly as he locked the door and looked away.....

Tyler's P.O.V

After thee smack down with Kathy on the bus, we decided to talk about his little, 'problem'. I locked the door as we all piled in the bathroom, staring at Jonathan. He was leaning his back against the wall of the bathroom, facing us. Evan was the first one to speak. "So... Who's hurting you." Silence. I saw his hands clench into fists and he looked away, sighing. I tapped my foot. "N-no one..." He finally answered. He does realize, that every time that he lie's he stutters? Craig sighed. "We can't help you if you if you don't te-" Jonathan interrupted him. "Help?! The only help you guy's will ever give me, is a way to the hospital! Why do y-you guys so s-suddenly care now?! why am I so 's-special' now?!" he was sobbing now as he looked away, hand still curled up. We were all startled when he yelled. But, he was right. "A-all I wanted was a g-group of f-f-friend that won't judge me... At least f-for a little while...But will that e-ever happen? No." We flinched at the way he said no. I looked over everyone to see they looked guilty and a little mad. I looked at Evan to see that he was more upset than we were. I wonder why...? Then he suddenly smiled, getting me confused and making Jonathan look away. "Yes it will." I can not believe what just came out of his mouth. What does he mean?! Sure I might feel bad but not that bad! I frowned. Suddenly Craig spoke up. "Yeah. We can be your friends." I scoffed. "What do you mean?" I asked, seemingly asking the question Jonathan had on his mind, as he slowly looked back at up sniffling a bit. Craig spoke softly again. "Only for a little while. It sounds like a challenge and you know me, I love challenges! So, I accept too." Slowly everyone started to agree. I sighed and crossed my arms and looking away. Craig walked up to me and laid his head on my arms, blinking. I dared not to look. "Tyler." I bit my lip. "No." "Tyyyyleeeer!!" "NO." I repeated. "Hey Ty...?" He sounded so cute! I looked at him. "Wha-" His bottom lip was poking out slightly. Aww. "Damn it..." I mumbled. I looked away blushing slightly. "Fine..." They all cheered and Craig hugged me. I instantly hugged him back. I let go and tried to cool down my pink face. The only cheer I didn't hear was Evans and Jonathan's... I Glanced at him to see him looking at him with interest as Jonathan was looking at the floor in thought. I wonder.....

~Hey guys! oooh Craig got em' good!!! lol here's another chapter for you and sorry if it was short and sucked. so yeah lol bye~

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