Part One

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Percy totally had the best job in the world. It doesn't matter if your job pays you a billion dollars a year, his was definitely the best, even if he was considerably poorer than a person who earned a billion dollars a year. Why?

Because he works at Disney World. Well, he works at Epcot. Same thing, really.

More specifically, he's a waiter at the Coral Reef Restaurant. The Coral Reef Restaurant is totally cool; it's based off of Finding Nemo (which is like, the best non-musical disney movie ever), and the walls are fish tanks that glow blue, and there are these huge fish that swim around inside. Although Percy thinks it's a tad cruel that they have an aquarium built into a seafood restaurant, the food's pretty good. Or at least it smells good when he serves it to people.

And yeah, he works four days a week and has Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's off which it pretty good. Even if he has another shift, at a different job. One that's just barely, slightly more awesome because it's at actual Disney world.

Percy doesn't know how he got so lucky to be hired twice by Disney, let alone once. But somehow he found himself spending his weekends at Ariel's Grotto, helping to control the lines at the meet and greet. And Little Mermaid is totally the best musical disney movie.

Another great thing about Percy's job, is that his best friends work their too. Grover, who he's known for like, a million years, works at Epcot at one of the preserve the wildlife inside tours, taking care of the plants in the greenhouse. One time he took a Percy in there with him, and Percy thought the plants looked way cooler up close then from the boat ride. His other best friend, Rachel, is freaking Ariel herself! Percy thinks that Rachel is the best person for the job, especially because she's such a hoarder. The red hair helps too.

And he's also friends with the coolest person in the whole world: Annabeth Chase. Annabeth's an imagineer, and has designed loads of rides for the parks. She was even involved in the making of Rapunzel's tower (even if Annabeth loudly complains, on a regular basis, that she'd wanted to make it big enough for people to walk around it. Percy thought that would've been amazing, and he told Annabeth this. She smiled. ) Annabeth's super smart and super pretty and Percy totally doesn't have a major crush at her. Not that Rachel or Grover believe him.

So yeah, best job in the world.


Leo thinks that being an imagineer is completely, and utterly awesome. And he totally had a blast designing the fire-breathing dragon they used in the parade. He named it Festus, but Annabeth insisted that the dragon was Maleficent. Since movie accuracy and all. Whatever. The dragon was totally a guy, and totally named Festus and Annabeth totally didn't know what she was talking about.

He tells this to Piper on their lunch break, "Annabeth doesn't know what she's talking about." He states, swirling his fork in his Mac and cheese. Piper nods, chewing thoughtfully. "She didn't even design it-- I did!"

"She designed the float." Piper comments, taking a swig of her water bottle, "The one the for Mulan, I mean. Though I'm pretty sure she did the Sleeping Beauty one too." Piper's face goes slightly sour at the mention of Mulan, and Leo can't blame her. Piper does the costumes  for Drew, the completely stuck up actress who plays Mulan in the parade. She always brags at the Amazon's (a restaurant that's near Disney which the workers go after their shift most nights), about how great a singer she is.

" Speaking of which, how's Lacy? You said she got moved from makeup with you on Drew to the guy who plays Shang." Piper nodded, leaning her head against her hand as she scoops up the rest of her salad.

"Frank." She confirmed, "He's way nicer than Drew. And according to Lacy he's dating Hazel." Leo choked on his Mac and cheese.

"Hazel?" He spluttered, "Like as in the girl who plays Tiana?" Piper nodded, violently spearing another piece of Mac and cheese.

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