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Alice walked into class staring at the sloppily written Alice scrawled on her coffee cup.  She sat down at her usual seat and her friend Harry leaned over to see what she was looking at.

"What's so interesting about that cup?" Harry asked and she pushed his incredibly close face away.

"I was just thinking, do you wanna go eat at this really cute coffee shop after class?"She beamed at him and he raised an eyebrow at her.

"You like one of the workers there." He stated and Alice gasped.


"I've been there before." Harry continued."There was this girl that worked at Target and-" The professor cut him off by starting the lesson and Harry gave Alice a look that said he would finish this story later.  After class was done Alice waiting for Harry to get his things so that they could go. They started walking to the coffee shop.

"So, do you want me to flirt with you to see if he gets jealous?"


"I'm serious. I've done it before."  It was a childish thing but it could get a reaction.

"Well....fine.  Yes. Do it." Alice felt her face already flushing as Harry laughed at her reaction. They reached the shop and Harry opened the door for her as she stepped in.  Alice saw Calum push Luke out of the way and position himself at the cash register.  He gave her a small wave which she returned.  Harry came up to her and leaned in close to her ear.

"Blondie?" He asked and Alice shook her head slightly. "Black-hair?" She nodded.  He gave a small nod of approval.  Alice couldn't stop smiling as she walked up to the counter

Calum saw the door open and Alice walk in.  He pushed Luke out of the way so he wouldn't talk to her first and then saw another guy walk in behind her.  He was tall and attractive.  And he seemed to be very interested in Alice who was pink-faced and smiling the whole time. 

"Who the fuuuuuck is he?" Luke whispered to Calum who just shrugged.

"Do you think he's her boyfriend? They seem awfully close."

"I'll take care of this." Luke whispered to Calum.  Alice was at the counter and Calum was about to take her order when Luke walked up to him. "Cal, they need your help with the cakes.  YOu know how those idiots are." Luke gave him a pointed look and he got it.

"Oh yeah.  Of course. Yeah. I'll do that." And with that Calum ran off.

"Nice to see you again, Alice." Luke said,

"Same to you, Luke. This is Harry." Alice gestured to Harry who gave a small wave.  Instead of putting his hand down, Harry used it to ruffle Alice's hair.  She turned to give him a look. "You know I don't like that."

"Sorry, it looks better that way." Harry said smiling. He casually put his arm on the top of Alice's head, something he's done for the longest time since Alice was so short and Harry was so tall.  Luke bit his lip to avoid saying anything, but he couldn't disguise the look on his face. Harry's good at this Alice thought.

"So, uh. Can I have two iced coffees and two slices of chocolate cake please?" Alice says sweetly and Luke can't help but smile. 

"Of course.  Will that be all?" Alice nods and then reaches for her purse but Harry puts his hand on hers.

"I'll pay."

"No." Alice says simply.  She hates owing people and Harry knows this.  He just gives her a look but doesn't take his hand off of hers and it's honestly making her blush immensely. 

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