
21 0 0

"So, where to?" Alice asked as they walked down the street to where Nate's car was.

"It's a surprise." Alice raised her eyebrow.

"You're not going to murder me are you?"

"I promise you, I am not going to murder you. But you might die. OF FUN." Alice let out a laugh.  Unlike most of the human population, she loved surprises.  She got into the passenger seat of the car and they started on their way.  As they drove, Alice wondered where they could be heading. As soon as she saw the bright lights on the side of the building, Alice gasped. 

"You're not fucking with me, right?" Alice asked and Nate shook his head.

"Nope." Alice let out an embarrassing squeal and quickly covered her mouth to avoid any more noises coming out. Nate laughed but still couldn't help smiling as well. They quickly pulled into the parking lot and Alice exited the car as quick as she could. She ran into the building and Nate quickly caught up to her. The hostess smiled at them as they walked in.

"Hi! Welcome to Chuck E. Cheeses!" Alice grinned at Nate in excitement.  They got their hands stamped and walked to the counter to get some tokens. 

"This is honestly, the best thing ever." Alice gushed to him. 

"I love this place, but no one seems to be willing to come with me."

"Idiots." They got some tokens and pizza and found a table.  As soon as they were done eating, Alice ran to the arcade area.  

"You wanna play some skee-ball?" Nate asked and Alice nodded.  They played along side each other, laughing the whole time and Alice forgot all about what had happened earlier that night. A couple hours later, they had 1000 tickets combined.  After trading them in for as much candy as possible, they walked to Nate's car, telling jokes the whole way.

"Okay, okay. Which president was the least guilty?" Alice asked as Nate thought for a minute.

"I don't know, what?"



"Yeah, cause he was IN A CENT." Nate groaned and Alice laughed at him.

"That was the worst."

"I know I am." Alice joked. Nate just looked at her for a second.

"Honestly, you're one of the best people I've hung out with in a while." Alice felt her heart warm up.


"Really." They walked in comfortable silence until they got to the car.  They got in and sung all the way until they got to Alice's place.  Nate parked in front of the building and they sat in silence for a minute. Alice fiddled with the hair tyes on her wrist and Nate tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

"Hey, Alice?" Nate broke the silence.  She looked up to see him looking at her intently.


"Not to make it weird or anything, but, was this a date?" He asked nervously, hoping Alice wasn't uncomfortable by the question. She had been wondering the same thing.

"Well, did you think it was a date?" She didn't want to say it was and him not feel the same way.

"Did you?" They stared at each other for a minute.

"Yeah." Alice said softly. Nate took his hands off the steering wheel and leaned forward, taking Alice's chin in his hand. Alice leaned the rest of the way in, and before she knew what was happening, they were kissing. Alice smiled into the kiss which made Nate smile too. They both pulled away and sat back in their seats.  Alice felt her face heat up, feeling slightly embarrassed for no reason. She cleared her throat and took out her phone and checked the time.

"This night turned out...different." She said and Nate laughed with her.  It didn't go according to plan, but it felt more right than anything that was happening earlier. 

"Yep.  Here. Let me give you my number." 

"Oh, yeah. Obviously." They quickly exchanged numbers.  Alice put a little heart next to her name in his contacts.  He handed back her phone and she saw that he had spelled his name "N8".

"You're the worst." She joked to him but smiled at the heart he also put next to his name. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know.  I'll talk to you later, okay?" Alice nodded.  She undid her seatbelt and then leaned in for another quick kiss before she got out of the car. 

"Goodnight, Alice."

"GoodNate, Nate." Nate laughed at her horrible pun.

"Now, that is the worst thing I've ever heard." 

As soon as she walked into her living room, Alice was bombarded by questions by her roommate. 

"Dare, I just got home, let me live." Darren laughed but patted the seat next to her on the couch. 

"Whatever, what happened? You're here later than I thought you would. And the play ended hours ago." Alice let out a breath.

"Okay, so don't judge me..." Alice then told the story of her night from meeting Calum's ex, to the car outside her house.

"So, the boy you were on a 'date' with was too into his ex, and you and her 'date' went on an actual date then kissed outside our home?" Darren asked when she finished her story.


"Good.  That first guy gave me a bad look when he came to pick you up."

"It's probably just cause you're tall and blonde and a boy."

"I don't think anything can happen between us considering the amount of times I've held your hair back while you wretched into a toilet after too many shots of tequila." Alice smacked Darren on the shoulder.

"That was only one time! Stop bringing that up.  Also, I'm almost positive that I still look cute while throwing up."

"Whatever you say. But I want to meet your friend.  To, you know, make sure he's good for you."

"I don't need your permission to date anyone, Darren."

"Your brother left me in charge when we decided to move here, you know that."

"Oh yeah? Well fuck him.  He doesn't own me. I'm my own woman."

"Just let me see if he's a cool guy or not."

"Okay fine." Alice finally gave in.  She checked her phone to see Nate had sent her a text. 

"N8: want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Alice: my roommate actually wants you to come over for dinner.  he wants to see if you're cool or not."

"N8: haha sure thing. just tell me what time to go over."

"Okay, well he's coming over tomorrow. Are you happy?" Darren nodded.


"You better not embarrass me. I swear if you bring out the high school pictures..."

"But you look so cute in all of them!"

"That's only cause you wanted to marry me all throughout high school." Darren rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm human. I make mistakes.  I've learned from them and now know not to date girls with colorful hair unless you want dye all over your hands every other week."

"Hey, don't hate. I'm expressing myself."

"Go express yourself to bed. I'm tired." Alice threw one of the couch pillows at Darren's face. She stood up and started heading to her room.

"Goodnight, loser." 


Wow, I wasn't kidding ha

this chapter is alright , A+ for completing it in a timely fashion

Vote, comment, and all that jazz.


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