Superstar for Mia

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Your breathing was noticeably quicker, even you couldn't deny it. You were nervous, very nervous.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I'm going home, yeah. But I can't go home...but I also can't do this. AGH. Why must this be so difficult, I just want to go home and lay in bed and watch Netflix." You spoke to yourself in a whisper pacing back and forth.

"Mia...?" You hear a few steps behind you and you freeze.

He came? Why would he come? You were so could he possibly forgive you.

"Mia I don't understand..." He was confused and upset.

"Adam, I can't be with you, just grow up okay? This is my career now and this is what's most important to me. Why can't you just be happy for me?!" You asked him getting frustrated.

He took a step back, looking down at him feet for a moment. He then slowly put his gaze back to you.

"If that's how you feel...I guess I'll just go..." He whispered awkwardly and turned away from you. Then he was leaving.

You rolled your eyes and watched him leave. After a moment you'd realized his perspective and took a deep breath.

"God damnit."

You wanted to apologize and explain to him that's not how you really felt but he was already gone. You sighed and got onto the plane, taking you further and further away from your past.

You slowly turned around to face him. That was definitely him.

"Adam...what...why are you..." You couldn't manage a full sentence without stuttering.

"Mia...I needed to come see you. I was thinking a lot about our last conversation..." He started frowning, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted–"

"You were right. I should've been more open to you having a career away from home, I didn't support you well enough. " he explains to you.

You were speechless. What? No, this couldn't be right. You were so rude to him, how could he be so calm about this.

"Adam, what are you talking about? I was so completely and utterly rude to you the last time we talked. I was so caught up in my career that I didn't even care enough about you. All I could think about was leaving and the fame and the money. But I've realized that there's a lot more to it, I was just too afraid to go after what was right," You tell him. "I'm so sorry..."

He thinks over everything you said for a few moments. Then he slowly moves towards you and pulls you into his strong, comforting arms. You had forgotten what this felt like.

You nuzzled your head into his chest and took in his scent that you had been missing for so long. You wished that this could continue forever.

After a minute or so you pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes.

"Oh god...I'm on in like five minutes." You remember suddenly feeling frazzled taking a few steps back from him.

You took slow deep breaths holding your hands over your stomach. You could feel yourself going right back to being nervous.

"Oh god...oh god I can't do this. I'm going to mess up...I'll slip and fall...or...or..." You were panicking and breathing even faster than before.

"Mia," Adam took a step closer to you and put his hands on your shoulders. "You're going to be amazing, I know you. All you have to do is imagine that you're back home in your bedroom singing Today's top 40." He told you with a comforting smile.

You didn't know how you could possibly deserve him. This time it was you to initiate the hug. He held you tightly and you did just the same.

"Um, excuse me...? Mia?" Someone asked from behind you.

This was it. You pulled away from Adam and took one last look at him.

"Yep, I'm ready." You replied.

"Alright, just wait for your cue and then you can go out." They explained quickly and walked away.

Then you heard the host announce the next act. "Alright, now we have Mia Mendoza with her new hit single:  Love's a Game!" He shouted and ran offstage to the other side.

You took a deep breath and walked out. Then there was nothing. Only you, and the music. You were right back in your room singing along to all your favorite songs.

Singing was a great escape for you, it helped you forget about everything around you.

After the song was over the audience was cheering wildly and you hands tears in your eyes, one already one your cheek.

The host walked back out on stage, but this time with an award.

"Mia, that performance was astounding.  You've definitely come a long way–"

But not even the host could finish because Adam had already pulled you close for a kiss.

You'd forgotten was this felt like too...
He had his hands on your face, your arms wrapped around his neck.

After about 30 seconds he pulled back blushing madly but he was smiling. You were as well, and then you turned back to the host clearing your throat.

"Um...sorry about can go back to–"

"Let's have another round of applause for the young couple!" He cheered and the audience followed along right after him.

You were covering your mouth, laughing to yourself and blushing more than you were after the kiss itself.

Finally everyone calmed down.

"Alright, Mia, that was a great performance. So along with your first performance at the Diamonds, you get your very own Diamond award!" He shouted letting the audience get the idea to cheer you on.

You were in shock. This is what you've been working up to. You smiled big and took the award and then turned to face the audience.

"Wow, I remember my first day here in LA. It was definitely a hard transition. I've come so far from where I began, literally and figuratively," you smiled and the audience laughed a bit. "I really want to thank my parents for being so supportive of me in making this decision. I want to thank all my friends from back home for staying in touch, and all the new friends I've made here for making me feel welcome. My fans deserve a big thank you, if it weren't for you I could've never achieved this goal. But, there's someone here tonight who really helped to remind what's most important." You turned to look at Adam.

"Adam, you made me remember the day I left and how I treated you that day. I was a bad person, but you still support me now. I couldn't ask for anyone else to be up here with me today. You helped me to do this amazing performance, so thank you." You smiled at him and he smiled right back pulling you in for just a hug this time. You held each other tightly showing no signs of wanting to let go.

This imagine was made for @hallkaelyn101257
I really hope that you liked it. I made up the last name because I didn't know what else to do...please comment below if you want a personal one❤️

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