[36] Satellite

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Chapter 36 - Satellite: A natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet.


The impact must've been enough to knock me out for a brief moment, as the very next thing I'm aware of is lying dazed below a streetlamp. It glows like a yellow dwarf star as four moths orbit it. I grow dizzy at the sight, and I let my eyes close once more.

I open my eyes again, this time lying against something cushioned. It takes me a moment to realize I'm feeling leather, that there's a case of crystal glassware next to me, and that this is a limo. One of those compact ones though, that are taller than they are wide. I've always wanted to ride in a limo.

There's a little window to the driver's seat, just like the ride that carried me away from NOVA. I watch Ellie climb into the passenger side. "I really can't believe you," she scolds the driver, a thin man with a cap pulled down over his eyes.

He stiffens. "You're the one that scared him into the street."

"Let's not worry about getting our story straight," Ellie unzips her hoodie and tosses it behind her. It lands at my feet. "Taft won't be happy. You scratched up his face. And he probably has a concussion now."

The driver is silent for a moment as he turns the key to the ignition and the engine turns over. "How long have you been her 'intern' El? Years? She ever gonna give you a real job?"

"I told you never to call me that. And I have all the work I need for me right now. You should be worried, if Taft hears of this you won't even have a job." She motions for him to drive, and he shifts gear. "You wouldn't understand anyway, and don't try to change the subject," She turns over her shoulder and looks me over. "Good, he's back. Are you okay, Edmund?"

I don't really know how to answer that, so I mumble about being carsick.

Ellie nods at the driver. "See?" He just grumbles in response and she goes back to looking me over. "Are you comfortable? Care for a drink? I suppose we got off on the wrong foot."

"Actually, we got off by me lying sprawled on the pavement with a Mercedes logo dent in my side." I lean against the leather. "Are these heated seats, Ellie?"

"I-I believe so. Only the best."

"Taft sent you right? She has such tacky taste."

"Well someone seems cheery-" Ellie starts, but I cut her off as I break into a dry cough that brings about a sharp sore throughout my inside. I can't catch my breath for a moment, but when I do, Ellie looks as worried as ever. "We really didn't mean to run you over, Mr. Wagner."

"What are you calling him 'Mr.' for?" The driver demands. "He's just a boy... even younger than I pictured."

I want to ask him who he thought he'd be kidnapping in his pathetic stubby limo, but Ellie quickly orders me to turn out all my pockets. The loot consists of candy bar wrappers, a motel pen and napkin, and my wallet. She asks me to open it up and hold out my four dollars and seventy-eight cents for all to see. Then, while glancing over the picture of Anne, she asks, "Who's this?"

"A friend," I say.

Ellie looks unsatisfied with my answer before noticing a bulge in my back pocket. "Stand up." She orders. I silently curse at myself for not thinking to hide it better. "Come on, get up." I have no other choice. I stand and hand over the phone Harris gave me.

"What's on it?" Ellie prompts.

Under keen eye, I unlock it and she takes her time looking through the phone. I watch over her shoulder as she investigates. "Only one contact?" She asks me, and I sort of feel pathetic. "Who's Harris?" She stares long and hard. I can't read her, but she appears intrigued. She stares at me for some kind of answer, but I decide it best to shut my mouth for the moment. My heart leaps as she turns the phone over in her hands, tracing all the spiderweb cracks it contains. Then, probably out of pure spite, she opens her passenger side door, leans outside, and gently drops the phone behind the front tire as we cruise going sixty. I feet the slight bump and my stomach plunges.

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