Plans Changed

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That feeling in my stomach never left. It was a familiar feeling that I still couldn't identify. Something was wrong, and though I couldn't tell what it was, I knew that it wasn't good. For awhile now, this feeling has been affecting everything. I can't think straight, I can barely eat, and everywhere I turn I feel like someone is watching me. Though tonight, was different. I wasn't going to let this feeling interrupt my love life with Dean.

Dean and I made plans to go to a really nice restaurant tonight. It's a restaurant we only go to on special occasions though because it's so expensive. Though, I'm unaware of the special occasion for tonight, I'm still extremely excited. The thing is, Dean has been acting weird lately. To me, he seems more secretive, like he's hiding a big secret. I don't want to pry, but I'm dying to know.

"Elena, have you seen my shoes?" Dean asked entering the room. I groaned.

"Dean, how does one manage to lose their shoes so often?" I asked. He gave me "the look" and continued looking.

"Lena they run away! I swear!" I hopped off the bed and walked to the first place I thought of. Of course, I found a pair of black shoes that were too big for my feet. Dean slapped his arms down.

"How?" He asked.

"Well for starters, I look in places that make sense."

"I look in places that make total sense!" I laughed and started listing places on my fingers.

"The tv, the bathroom, the shower, the drawers... the fridge..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," he said pouting. I giggled and moved closer.

"I'm really excited for tonight," I told him. He finished tying his shoes and looked at me.

"Me too," he said nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head and looked down.

"Nothing's wrong Lena, everything's right." He kissed my lips lightly and got up to leave.

"I'll see you tonight then," I smiled. He nodded while touching his lips lightly.

"Yeah, you will." He turned around and left for work with a smile on his face. That was something that made me smile more than anything. His happiness was all I needed.

I got ready for my meeting with Cas today. Recently, our meetings went down to only once a week which was amazing news. As much as I loved seeing Cas, I needed some space in our relationship. I went outside to go drive to his office. Smiling at my car, I got in and drove away. I loved this car even before the whole incident with Kai. It's a blue Mustang with a white stripe down the middle. I always loved this car, and I always will.

The ride only took a couple of minutes, and I got to enjoy some nice music as I waited for our appointment in the parking lot. Walking up to the office doors, I noticed that strange feeling again. Pushing it away, I entered and saw Anna at the desk.

"Good morning Elena," she said smiling. I gave her a sincere smile and nod then grabbed a chair as I waited for Cas. Like always, he was ready for me right away. Part of me felt that he enjoyed and looked forward to our meetings.

"So Elena, how've you been?" Cas asked me. He sat in his normal chair with the clipboard attached to his body.

"I've been good, great actually," I responded.

"How's Dean?"

"He's good. We have a date tonight, and we're moving in together."

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