Knocking On Heaven's Door

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"Elena?" Sam asked waking me. I looked at him carefully. His eyes were no longer rimmed with red. He eyed me as well. Though I hadn't looked in a mirror for a while, I knew I looked bad.

"Hey Sam," I said as my voice cracked.

"You should get home," he said. I shook my head and grabbed onto Dean's hand.

"I'm not going anywhere," I told him.


"I'm not leaving!" I snapped.

"It's been three weeks," he sighed. I shook my head as tears started falling out some more.

"I can't Sam. Bring me some more clothes tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded.

"Sure Elena. But you really should go home."

"To what Sam? To nothing? Home is where Dean is and without Dean I have nothing." I held back some more tears.

Sam sighed in the door way and shook his head.

"I'm worried about you," he said.

"I'm worried about Dean. I could care less about myself."

"Don't say that..."

"I mean it," I snapped at him. "It's all my fault." I nearly broke out in tears at that moment.

"Elena it's not your fault! Don't say that!"

"I should have never dragged him into this Sam! I shouldn't have been selfish! I was fine on my own!" I yelled at him.

"Fine? Is that what you call it? Elena you didn't smile. You didn't eat. You didn't sleep. You were miserable! Dean saved you! You saved him! It isn't your fault because it never was your fault in the first place. It was Kai's!"

"Dammit Sam! Stop! Stop trying to stick up for me! It is my fault! I shouldn't have dragged him into this. I shouldn't have let him fall in love with me!" I cried and looked at Dean's lifeless face.

"Elena you need to let go," he motioned towards Sam.

"Get out." I snapped. He sighed and moved closer.

"Elena it's been three weeks."

"I said get out!"

Sam turned around and left without saying a word. I looked down at Dean and fell into a pool of tears.

"Dean I'm so sorry!" I cried. My chest hurt from all the crying I've been doing. Also, the three broken ribs didn't help. After I passed out, I woke up a couple days later with three broken ribs, a sprained ankle, and broken wrist. Honestly, I had no idea how I fought Kai. Neither did anyone else.

Over the time, my ribs were healing along with my ankle, and my wrist was no longer in a cast. Now it only hurt my ribs when I cried, which has been happening a lot.

I grabbed Dean's hand and held onto it again.

"Please wake up," I cried out. He remained still. I continued to cry and look into his closed eyes.

"Elena?" A new voice came from the doorway. I spun around and faced another man at the door. This time, it was Cas.

"Cas," I breathed out. He moved closer and sat down next to me looking at Dean. Dean's face was bruised. Though the swelling went down, there were scratches all over. It hurt me to look at him. Apparently Cas felt the same.

"How is he?" He asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"How are you?" I took my eyes off of Dean to look at Cas.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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