Held Captive

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"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well Elena, I wanted to get back together, but I see someone is standing in the way of that." Kai looked over at Dean with a fierce and dangerous face.

"Kai he has nothing to do with this!"

"Oh but he does Gilbert. He has everything to do with this," Kai said.

"Just let him go. He's not apart of this!" I told him. He laughed while shaking his head.

"If it wasn't for him we'd be together."

"I'd never get back together with you," I spat at him. He clicked his tongue and walked closer.

"Now that wasn't the answer I was looking for. Looks like I'm going to have to teach you another lesson," he said before everything went dark.

I woke up a little bit later unsure of the time. It could have been hours or seconds after I passed out.

"Lena?" I heard Dean whisper from the other side. My head shot up and I instantly regretted that. The room spun some more and I tried to calm it down.

"Dean," I breathed out. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me Lena. How are you?"

I sighed and looked at the ties holding my hands together.

"I've had better days." He chuckled.

"Lena listen to me. When you get out..." He started before Kai came back in.

"Well well well, it's about time you woke up. We were just about to get to the fun part," Kai explained. I cringed and tried to sit up some more. "Sweetheart let me help you with that. After everything I'm going to do to you, you'll need the energy."

"Don't you touch her!" Dean yelled from across the room. Kai laughed and stood up glaring at him.

"What do we have here? A night in shining armor? Look Dean, I'm going to do whatever I want to this bitch and you're going to sit there and watch. I mean, look at you. It's not like you're escaping any time soon." He looked back over in my direction and grabbed my face with full force.

"Look at me," he barked. I turned my eyes on his and saw the evil he had on his face. He started moving closer and closer. After a split second, I finally realized what was happening. He placed his lips on mine. I tried pulling away as he held onto my head. Our lips were touching but there was no feeling inside of me except disgust. He went to deepen the kiss but I did something else. I opened my mouth enough for him to believe I was kissing back but enough for me to bite down on his lip hard.

He pulled back quickly grabbing his lip.

"You bitch!" He spat out. I looked over at Dean who looked extremely uncomfortable. "You think you're funny don't you?"

"I think I'm hilarious," I told him.

"I was trying to be nice. But now, there is no nice. You're going to regret that Elena." He turned and walked out of the room. I looked at Dean again who was now concerned.

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