Chapter Thirty-Seven: Numbers, Numbers, Numbers...

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Chapter 37: Numbers, Numbers, Numbers...


Amelia's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this Amelia?" asks Bree following behind me

I duck under the branch then take huge steps avoiding poo, "YES! I'm telling you, I'm like 90% sure about this"

I hear a shriek from my left and turn around and see Gabs scrunching her face in disgust.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew I touched it!" she wails

Bree looks over towards Gabs and laughs. Gabs wipes her hands on the tree trunk.

"What happened?" I ask with a smile on my face, knowing this is gonna be good

Gabs lets out a frustrated groan and I walk back towards her.

I peer closer and laugh when I see what she's so disgusted about, "LOL, peak"

I smirk shaking my head. She wipes all the poo off her hands then goes to her feet. She scrubs her foot against the tree.

"Argh, I can't believe I got it on my shoe" she mutters, pouting

"Did you just say 'Lol'?" asks Bree, ignoring Gabs constant moans

"What?" I shrug

"Couldn't you of just laughed?"

"I COULD...but that's just effort"

She shakes her head smirking and walking past me.

"Come on Gabs, we don't have all day" I say, walking behind Bree

"But I still haven't got it all off!" she protests

"You'll just have to make do for now, we gotta go" I say reaching out towards her arm, but then stopping when I realise she had poo on her hands and she's gonna smell.

She gives me a blank look then stomps ahead. I half run half jog after Bree and Gabs.

After 10 minutes of walking, we're finally here

"Never thought I'll be back so soon" sighs Bree looking at the Cabin

"Mmm" agree me and Gabs at the same time

I walk past Bree and lift up the welcome mat. I take the key out and place it in the door. The door opens and I set the key on the table next to the door. Gabs goes running past me and up the stairs.

"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK, JUST NEED SOME TOILET PAPER" shouts Gabs running up the stairs

Me and Bree laugh making our way behind her. We stand in front of the toilet, watching her struggle wiping all the poo off

"Come on" urges Bree

"I'm coming, I'm coming" she replies. She gets her arse off the toilet and goes to wash her hands. She walks out the bathroom, drying her hands.

"Okay we're here, now what?" asks Gabs

I don't say anything but just walk towards the room, I stayed in for a while. I open the bedroom door and sigh. I wouldn't of mined staying here, its such a beautiful place to be but now I know the events that occurred here, I'm glad I'm out of this place.

I open the wardrobe and move all the boxes and cloths aside so I can clearly see the safe. I crouch down and place my eyes on the lock.

"Woah, that's a big safe! You can fit one of us in there!" gasps Bree

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