Chapter 32

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It's been days since I last saw Taehyung and I tried contacting him but as usual, he never answered.

I started my morning with a light breakfast, sitting alone. My eyes were still puffy from crying the night before. Until when will I continue living this way?

I sighed, preparing myself for work eventhough I dreaded to leave the house.

I got off my bicycle and parked it just by the cafe. Just when I was about to enter, a familiar lady walked out of the cafe. My eyes widened, and I grabbed her wrist by instinct.

"Ouch!" She whimpered, darting her eyes up at me, "Are you crazy?!"

"Soohyun," I called her, still gripping her wrist tightly.

"Yah Lee Hyejin! Let go of me you retard!" She tried wriggling her hand out of my grip.

I slowly released her wrist, "I need to speak to you."

"What about? I'm very busy," She tried walking off but I stood in her way. She had no choice but to listen to me.

"Get inside," I said firmly, and she was reluctant at first but eventually did as I told her to.

Jinyoung saw me and Soohyun enter the cafe and she was about to greet me, but she didn't when she knew I had some serious business going on.

I sat down at a table, and Soohyun sat opposite me, rolling her eyes, "Hurry up, I've got no time for you."

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked her almost immediately, and she wasn't able to respond for a second.

"I don't know," Soohyun answered blatantly.

"Stop lying!" I raised my voice, "I know you revealed everything to his parents. Why are you always chasing after Taehyung? There's many other men out there, and you have to go after Taehyung?!"

Soohyun folded her arms, slyly smiling at me. I got more and more frustrated, my patience was running thin. "Is that all you need to tell me?" Soohyun asked, and I was very close to slapping her.

I could tell Jinyoung wanted to come over to calm me down, but she could only watch me from afar. It was fortunate that there wasn't anyone in the cafe at the moment.

"You're just plain dumb," Soohyun insulted me, and I instantly got insecure. "You're saying I'm chasing after Taehyung? More like you stole him away from me."

She doesn't know anything about my past, does she.

She leaned in towards me, her eyes not leaving mine even once, "Let me tell you what, idiot. Go ahead, have him. Have him for all you want."

I got puzzled by her words, and hence I wasn't able to respond.

"I don't even love him," She said and my mind was spinning around, confused.

"What are you talking about? Then why are you...?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't know how it feels like being alone. I hate seeing others happy, because I can't even smile without feeling asphyxiated. This world is unfair," Her voice started to break. I didn't blink as I watched tears welling up in her eyes.

Even the cunning ones have their own flaws.

"I don't even know what's the meaning of my life anymore. I can't trust anyone, I'm scarred for life, no one ever understands me," She clenched her jaw as she spoke.

She suddenly let out an unhumorous chuckle. "My parents sacrificed their wealth to help Taehyung's parents in their business. I watched my parents suffer just to help people who are ungrateful, people who are filled with arrogance once they succeed!" She started venting out her anger, and couldn't help herself but burst into tears, "And now... my parents are dead."

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