Chapter 33

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"She really said that?" Taehyung asked me once again whilst he absentmindedly intertwined his fingers around mine.

We kept talking about the drama that happened just earlier, while laying on his bed beside each other.

"I can't believe Soohyun said that either," I sighed, "We need to apologise to your mother."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought I should be the one getting an apology."

I slightly chuckled to loosen up the mood, "And why?"

"I've been locked up in the room for days. I'm not a kid okay," He started complaining like a kid, "I've fallen sick and I think I was gonna die not having you around."

"Look at you being cheesy," I ruffled his hair and laughed.

"I should've gone to find you instead," he said softly, "I just left the apartment like that, thinking things would be fixed but nothing was going the right way."

"No, it's okay. We're together right now, aren't we?" I smiled at him.

He gave back a wide smile and sat up, patting his laps, "Come here."

I sat up as well, crawled over to sit on his lap and he instinctively wrapped his arm around my waist. I positioned myself comfortably and placed my head on his shoulder. Then I realised, his body felt hot, "Your body temperature's really high! Have you taken your medicine?"

"Then just cuddle me and make me feel better," he said, encircling his arms around me and pulled me in his embrace tightly.

"And if I get sick too?" I questioned.

"Then I'll have to hug you then the process repeats," he joked, making me chuckle.

I was glad that we're finally together after so much trouble.

That night I had an awkward dinner with his parents to settle the problems we had. Things went back to normal after a few talks. Although our trusts were broken, it'll build up in a matter of time. However, the conversations kept getting awkward and I tried my best to talk about things without touching a sensitive issue.

Gladly, I was able to bring Taehyung home that night, and we left the house about 9. Taehyung and I decided that we should get some fresh air before heading home, so we got ourselves ice cream and made our way to the park.

"How was today?" I asked him and sat on the bench, licking my ice cream.

"Greatest day yet," He answered, suddenly placing his palm on his neck, "I think my temperature's gone down."

"Thanks to me," I patted myself on my shoulder.

"No, I took my medicine," he said.

"Yeah sure, your mother told me you didn't like taking your medications," I sneered.

"Whatever, Ms Know-It-All," he had his ice cream happily, and that was all enough to bring a smile to my face. Suddenly, he caught sight of something on my finger, "Give me your hand."

"Why?" I asked, putting out my hand.

He stared at the ring I was wearing on my finger. "Let's start anew," he said, gently pulling the ring off my finger, then tossed it elsewhere.

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