Chapter 35 [part 1]

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It got harder for me to breathe. I tried all my might to get him off me but I couldn't, especially in a petrified state.

He was already half bare, and I immediately shut my eyes close, unable to think straight anymore.

Whatever happens, happens.

He got somewhat impatient and ended up ripping the sleeve of my shirt. He twisted my head to one side, then I felt his breath against my neck. He got closer, and closer, then I felt his lips touch my throat. I shuddered, and my heart stopped beating. Tears kept falling and I was helplessly struggling to push him away, but he was strong enough to go against me.

I yelled yet again, only to receive another beating from him. "IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I WILL--"


My eyes flung open, and God knows how much I felt so relieved that someone's to my rescue.

Seojun flinched, but he was still grabbing onto my shoulders tight, staring at who was darting towards us.

In matter of seconds, Taehyung sent Seojun to the ground with a punch, then he repeatedly beat him up to pulp.

Taehyung grabbed Seojun by his neck, pinning him onto the ground, "HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!"

I stood at the side, still trembling on my two feet while staring at the two of them. I wanted to bring Taehyung away and run, but at the same time I just wanted to watch Taehyung finish Seojun off for what he had done to me.

Seojun's face turned red, suffocating. Somehow he managed to push Taehyung's hand away, then he quickly got up and fled off. Taehyung was about to go after him, but he remembered that I was still in a state of shock and I couldn't be left alone.

He rushed towards me, quickly pulling me into his embrace, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

I instantly hugged him real tight, because it was all I needed to calm myself down from the sudden situation. I could feel his heart beating really fast, and he was still panting hard.

His arms wrapped around me tighter as he planted kisses on my head and whispered comforting words like, 'It's alright', 'I'm with you', 'I'm here'.

After minutes, he swayed me gently whilst still in that position and when he realised I've stopped crying for a bit, he slowly released the hug only to look at me. He used his thumb to wipe my tears then he held me by my arms, saying, "I'm sorry."

I got puzzled at why he was apologising to me, but I couldn't even answer him because I was not even thinking straight to speak.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, then slowly walked me all the way to where he parked his car. When we finally got inside, he hastily turned the engine on and drove us home immediately.


I sat on the bed, still with a blank mind.

Taehyung walked over and sat close beside me. He passed me a glass of water, then put his hand around my waist. He kept looking at me intently, feeling sorry for I wasn't sure what was the reason.

I took a sip of the water before placing the glass on the bedside table. I turned to face him and I finally spoke, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have --"

"No," he cut me off, "I'm sorry. I should have fetched you earlier. I should have accompanied you to work."

I sighed, burying my face into my two hands.

"That damn bastard," Taehyung gritted his teeth. He pulled me close to him, "You're quitting your job this instant."

"I'll settle it later," I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm speaking to your manager by tonight," he said firmly, "No way you're going to work tomorrow. You are not leaving the house, you are staying home with me."

I let him decide what he was going to do, because I couldn't even organise my thoughts at the moment. He placed his palm on my face and cupped my cheek, then gently turned my head so that I was facing him. He looked at the corner of my lip, then he clenched his jaw, "Freaking hell, Lee Seojun."

He traced his thumb over the cut that was at the corner of my lip, cussing under his breath. "Let me clear this," he said and was about to get up to get the first aid kit but I stopped him.

"I'm fine, just stay here," I said, staring into his comforting, dark brown eyes.

We stayed silent, holding each other. I bet his mind was running through a whole lot bunch of thoughts as mine was. I couldn't believe the fact that I was betrayed yet again, by the same person.

A/N ;

Since I've promised to update on the weekends, I'm trying all my might to update on time >< So this is an extremely short chapter of Chapter 35 [Part 1].

[Part 2] Will come about tomorrow or the day after! Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm pretty busy :( Love you guys for the constant support!

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