Brainwashed twilight

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King sombra's next day was a victory. But the kingdom was in peril. Well mainly the royals. Of course cadence and shinning never got the news that Twilight sparkle was missing. Twilight was under sombra's evil control. She studied powerful dark magic, even though she wasn't supposed to. She grew cold hearted and cruel. Soon was the invasion on the empire.
Twilight sparkle was walking through the crystal empire straight to the palace. When she arrived, she snatched the crystal heart off its place. In the throne room, shining armor and cadence were playing a game of monopony.
"Twily! I missed you!" Shinning said walking up to greet his sister.
"I missed you too brother. Mind if rule here?!" Said twilight evilly as she zapped shining armor with a black crystal spell.
"twilight why did you use dark magic on him?!" Cadence asked.
"It's time for me to do the talking cadence!" Twilight snapped. She zipped open a portal and Sombra came through letting cadence shrink in the corner.
"What have you done to twilight?!" Cadence cried as shinning broke out of his prison to guard cadence.
"Guards!" Shining said.
Then twilight blasted both of them to the dungeon.
A crowd of crystal guards began flying in. A wave of dark energy exploded from twilight causing them to fall under their control.
"More slaves sombra." Twilight said.
"Nicely done my dear. You are a lovely apprentice." Sombra said causing twilight to blush.
Meanwhile in their new prison cadence was sobbing, while shinning was pacing.
A nearby guard happened to walk by.
"Your majesty! Your locked in here! Why!?" Said the guard frantically.
"It's a threat. Deliver this note to celestia in canterlot." Cadence said.
The guard nodded and flew out the prison window.

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