Death by sparkle

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The wind of the Arctic north howled loudly outside the train car as it rolled along the tracks to the crystal empire. Finally it pulled to a stop at the grey crystal station. Once the ponies got off the train dashed off in a flash.
"Well, this seems welcoming." Rarity muttered.
"It's a welcome all right. A really crappy one." Pinkie said. They walked through the silent town. The citizens looked grey and weary. No one smiled. To top it all off, a grey cloud hung above the empire.
Flash stayed silent. He hoped that Twilight was ok. If she wasn't, he wouldn't forgive himself. The friends dove suddenly into a set of shrubs as two guards walked by.
"Ok, let's do this." Rainbow said as she nodded towards fluttershy. She whistled as a bunch of animals scampered to her call.
"Ok my friends distract the guards." She whispered causing the animals to salute her and carry out their command. The animals stampeded causing the guards to walk this way and that. Once the coast was clear, the ponies snuck into the palace.
Pinkie took a few confetti bombs and tossed them in for a diversion. With that they galloped in the direction of the throne room.
Twilight was sitting on the throne with a blank look. Just then, her friends burst In gasping at her appearance. Her eyes emitted the dark purple energy similar to sombra's. Her hair had a dark blue streak in place of the pink.
"Twilight..." They said.
Rainbow flew up next to her.
"Twilight! Can you hear me? It's rainbow dash." She said as twilight gave no response. She just stared blankly ahead blinking every few seconds.
"I think she is in a trance y'all. How do we snap her out of it?" Applejack whispered.
"She must know we are here." Said Rarity.
"Well. Well. Well. So nice of you to join the party." King sombra said as he walked our of the shadows.
"What have you done to twilight you black snooty!" Said pinkie.
"I only showed her the properties of dark magic which she agreed to." Said Sombra.
"You monster! Let our friend go!" Fluttershy slammed her hoof down.
"Oh twilight my dear, please execute our univited guests." Sombra commanded as twilight got up and walked towards them smirking.
"Twilight! Snap out of it! Your not evil!" Applejack stammered.
Her horn flared up zapping the ponies.
"We need to take her on!" Rainbow said putting her hooves up.
"We can't do that! Twilight's good side is still in there somewhere. I can feel it." Flash sentry said.
Twilight sparkles rays froze the ponies in shocks. But not Flash. He kept dodging and charging towards twilight.
"Flash! Only a lunatic would go near twilight right now!" Screamed Rarity.
Flash flew up to her. And he kissed her. Then In what seemed like slow motion, the dark spell was lifted. She tumbled into the floor as her eyes fluttered open.
"Girls!" She got up and gave her friends got into a group hug.
"You fools! Time to meet your end." Sombra growled.
"Flash. Take the crystal heat back. We'll deal with sombra" said Twilight as she and her friends put on their elements.
Twilight began to start the spell. The jewels in their necklaces began to glow connecting with a rainbow string. In a split second a rainbow blast hit king sombra violently reigning down on him till he was gone. For good. Flash came back in as her friends went to free cadence and shinning armor. Flash swept twilight up and he kissed her.

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