Chapter 6

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(Emily's Pov)

When I woke up Paul was standing above us an I jumped up but made sure I didn't wake Zayn. I grabbed a random jacket it was one of the boys. Paul was just staring at me like he was waiting for an explanation. I don't and didn't get any of it until I got to the bus door an heard the other boys talking.

"Shit" I mumbled

"What didn't want to boys to know you were with zayn?! know your little secret?! Whats even going on!!" he yelled

He was yelling at me! Why! What did I do! The boys wouldn't care... or would they... HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW ABOUT WHAT HAPPEN?!?!? I kept quite because I didn't know what to say to it. I glanced around the corner to Zayns bed and he was still asleeping but he had moved a little from when I left the bed. Paul was staring at me still and it was kind of getting awkward for me. They boys knocked on the door multiply times but paul wouldn't let them in. Zayn woke up from the pounding on the door. He smiled to me an I smiled back avoiding pauls death stare. After sitting there for almost an hour I ran to the bathroom an locked myself in there.

(Liam's Pov)

When we woke up the next morning Emily nor Zayn were there in the room. We knew that Zayn was on the tour bus but what about Em? I searched the room for her an there was no sign of her. We all went down to the bus an I knocked on the door an tried to open it but it wouldn't go. I stepped back an let Niall an Harry Bang on the door as I stood next to Louis.

"wheres Paul?" I asked while looking around for him

"In there" Lou said as he pointed to the bus

"Emily" I asked an watched the boys bang on the door.

"In there" he said again an moved towards the bus. I shoke my head an followed him. Emily seems like a really great girl and regally sweet caring women. I don't want to see her get hurt. Not by zayn. Paul. The other boys. Nor the fans or paps! I will protect her whatever it takes.

After thinking to myself all i heard from the bus was a scream. It wasn't a Zayn scream nor a Paul but more like a Emily scream. I backed away an started to cry. I have failed already


This seems really really short for some reason

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