Chapter 5

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(Louis Pov)

Zayn acted weird and most people do but its not like him. I knew what he meant by I love but got cut off by Liam. He is in love with Emily. Yeah no I wasn't ease dropping on him an harry nope I eased dropped on him an his mum over the phone. He talk about he all the time! Perrie gets mad a lot about it. She went to see his family after two years ago being gone and Emily was there and I guess the girls got left in the room together an Perrie decided to start shit an ran off before he came back an yeah. How I know this part? She told Eleanor and Eleanor tells me everything. We were sitting in the car and it got to an awkward point.

"So Emily how do you know Zayn" I asked

She smiled "We were neighbors but more then that we are best friends" she explained and then looked at Zayn an the smile faded. "I mean we were just neighbors"

Niall leaned over to me an whispered. "why is Zayn moping around?"

"Many reasons bro many reason" I shoke my head and got out of the car an walked to the hotel room with Liam, Em, Niall, Harry. We got to the elevators an realized Zayn wasn't behind us.

"where's Za-" Liam started to ask

"sleeping on the tour bus" Em said as she turned to the stairs. We told Em our room number an the floor an she went up there.

We had a fun night. Movies, games, food, laughter until Zayn called us but Em an I were the only ones up.

(Zayn's Pov)

I spent the night in the tour bus, I cant face the fact that I was wrong about her. I loved her! Perrie started all this shit with her for there would be no Emmy in the picture of my life. I called up to the room an Emily answered.

"Hello whatcha need my homie?"

"come see me please its out back but really come see me now" I hung up after that and caled Perrie to end our relationship.

After I called Perrie an ended it I heard a knock on the door an went to open it an see Emily in shorts slippers an  tank top. ( ) I smiled at her an she smiled back. All I did after that was pull her into a hug. She hugged back even tighter. We stood there for a little bit then moved into the bus an shut the door an locked it.



"Im sorry"



'don't be" she walked closer to me an I was admiring her amazingness

"I shou-" She cut me off with a kiss. I hesitated a little but kissed her back.

"Our little secret now lets get some sleep."

"Yes an lets" I smiled as I pulled her to my bed. I layed down an opened up the covers an my arms. she slide right into my arms an fell asleep almost instantly. I watched for awhile then kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

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