Chapter 4

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Georgia turned to me, “Are you OK?  Did he hurt you?”  She rubbed her hands over my body looking for the slightest injury that may cause me pain.  She was worried about me?  She was the one who got punched in the ribs.

“Yeah, I’m OK, how about you?”  I knew what her answer would be, and I also knew the truth.  My lips were trembling and I fought to stop the flood of tears.

“Yeah, I’m fine.  You know, he’s getting’ weak in his old age.”  Georgia tried to laugh, but coughed instead.  She did keep her defiant smirk.  Her tears were dried up and her resolve to not buckle was back.

We waited for a few minutes before unlocking the door.  It gave me time to stop shaking and gave Georgia time to catch her breath.  We slowly opened the door and, with Georgia in front, tip toed to check on our mother.

We entered her bedroom to see her lying on the floor beside her bed.  Georgia went to her side to make sure she was still breathing.  We half expected that one day she wouldn’t be.  I stayed close to the door feeling like such a chicken because I didn’t go into the room with Georgia.

“She’s OK, but I can smell that she’s already been drinking heavy today,” Georgia whispered over to me.  I stepped further into the room so I could see the damage for myself.  She had her usual bruises on her arms and legs.

Georgia raised her shirt and touched our mother’s stomach that was covered in red and purple bruises.  Georgia pressed harder on mom’s sides.  Mom let out a small whimper.  My heart fell and I felt sick.  How could he do this to her and how could she always take it?

Georgia announced that she didn’t believe that any bones had been broken and that mom would live.  I instantly felt relief, but it wasn’t total.  We each grabbed onto mom’s arms and moved her toward her bed.  We then lifted her small, frail body onto her bed with little effort.  Georgia pulled the covers over her and rolled her onto her side before motioning me out of the room.  Should a ten year old really know that it’s best for a drunk person to be on their side?  We went back to our room knowing we were safe, for a while. 

Georgia explained to me that she was still going on her birthday date, but that I would be going with her.  She was afraid that if she were to leave me alone Daddy would come back and finish what he started.  I was excited about being able to go out with Georgia tonight despite what had just played out in our home.  That excitement brought feelings of shame and guilt.  I gulped to swallow the vile feelings inside.

Georgia took her shower first.  I sat down and we just talked while she was in the shower.  She told me that she was glad I would be going out with her tonight and that we would have a lot of fun with Bobby.  I began to think about things we might be able to do.  I definitely wanted to get ice cream.

 When she got out, I was still in the bathroom with her.  I was sitting in the floor against the wall with my knees to my chest and my chin resting on top of my knees.  Really, I was just too scared to be by myself yet.  Georgia pulled the shower curtain open so she could grab her towel.  As she brought the towel closer to her body she gave me a knowing look.

“Savannah, I promise it’ll all be ok.  You know that I will always protect you, no matter what,” Georgia truly believed what she was saying and I suddenly felt safe a loved.  I could feel the smile come to my face and my heart become lighter.  

Georgia stepped out of the shower onto the fluffy bath mat and slowly wrapped the towel around her.  I could see that her entire left side was swollen and purple.  She was trying to hide it from me and not letting on that she was in pain.  I decided it would be better if I just let it go without saying anything to her about it.  The light hearted feeling from moments before had gone.

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