Chapter 8

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I didn’t know what to do.  I heard his bedroom door close, but I didn’t turn around.  I couldn’t.  I just stood there with silent tears rolling down my face.  Disgust and anguish lodged in my throat.  I tried to breathe, but it was only short and shallow.  In my mind I knew I couldn’t continue to just stand there.  My legs and feet were stubbornly coming to the same conclusion.

Slowly, I reached my room and closed the door behind.  I took my first full breath once inside.  I had to think.  I had so many questions running through my head.  How did this happen?  Did Dad know?  Should I tell Georgia, or did she already know?  I thought Chris and I were becoming friends.  I sat down on my bed because I suddenly felt drained.  I lowered my head to my hands.

I leaned back on my bed and rolled over to lay on my stomach.  My head rested on my pillow.  It was so soft and cool.  I concentrated and let all my worry go out.  I relaxed my body starting with my feet and finally reaching my head.  I concentrated on the coolness of my pillow.  I could almost go to sleep, but not quite.

I rolled off the bed and changed out of my church clothes.  I put on my favorite pair of shorts and my Care Bears tee shirt.  The weather was warm now that Spring had come.  I went into the bathroom and washed the tears from my face.  I felt refreshed and ready to think about life again.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror.  I smiled because I looked strong.  I knew I could handle what had to happen next.  I had to be able to handle it.  I heard the front door open and close. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Georgia step up on the last step with the milk in hand.  Instantly my resolve to be strong dissolved.  I couldn’t tell her.

Georgia smiled warmly at me as she went into the kitchen.  I followed behind and watched her put the milk in the refrigerator.  She turned to look at me.  Then, her eyes looked just above me.  I glanced behind me to see Chris’ smiling face behind me.

“We’re going over to Bobby’s house.  Do you wanna come with?”  No, please say no.

“Yeah, lemme call the guys to meet me over there,” his smile grew as I looked at him with disbelief. 

“Okay, I gotta change.  Be ready in fifteen minutes,” Georgia replied as she hurried off to our room.

“City, don’t think about earlier too much.  It was nothing.”  His smile was gone now.  I wondered if he felt bad about being caught.

“I’ll be out side when ya’ll are ready,” I turned and left without another word.

I went outside.  I was met by a warm breeze.  I turned my face into the breeze and closed my eyes.  I breathed in the air and blocked out everything else.  I stayed that way for the duration of the breeze.  Then, I moved further into the yard.  I stepped over the border grass and walked to the big tree in the front yard.  I sat against it looking up at the clouds.  In that moment, I was free from all of my worry.

I opened my eyes when I heard a car pull into the driveway.  Great, Dad was home.  I contemplated closing my eyes and ignoring the fact, but I knew better.  So, I stood up and ran over to him, making sure to avoid stepping on any of his flowers along the way.  I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed tight.

He laughed and looked down at me, “Everything OK?”

“Yeah, dad.  Georgia is taking me and Chris over to Bobby’s house for a while.  Not sure when we’ll be home.  That’s OK, right?”

“Yeah.  Your Mom and I will just watch movies or something.  You won’t miss anything important.  Just be home by dinner, you have school tomorrow,” his voice was so light and caring.

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