Chapter 9

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Thank you to those who have continued to read.  If you do like the story vote comment and fan.  If you don't like the story- why are you still reading?  I could recommend all kids of other stories on here to read.  Just kidding- keep reading mine and suffer through it.

Sorry I haven't up loaded in a while, but I'm not sure that anyone is following my story so I'm thinking that's not such a big deal.  If you are following my story let me know and I'll write faster.  Cause it's all in my head people.

Anyway, I'd appreciate a comment or two- really-


We sat on the couch together watching television.  Georgia had her head on my shoulder.  Every once and a while I could feel a tear on my shirt.  I had never experienced love for a boy, so I didn’t know how a broken heart felt.  But, at this moment, I was positive I knew what a broken heart looked like.  Georgia’s face seemed to have a mask of pain.  I wanted to be reassured that Georgia would break through the pain, but she couldn’t do that for me right now.

Cara came in and split us so that she could sit between.  Cara put her arm around me and then pulled Georgia’s head in her lap.  Her hand rubbed my arm up and down slowly.  I looked over and she was sliding her thumb up and down the side of Georgia’s face with the same soothing rhythm.  That’s why we loved Cara.  She didn’t have to tell us it would be ok for us to believe her.  Cara’s whole being let us know that it would all be ok.

“Phil will be home soon.  Are ya’ll going to eat dinner with us?”  Cara ask almost sounding hopeful.  Phil was her husband.

“We can’t.  dad told Savannah to be home for dinner and I have to go to work.”

“Really?  You’re going to work with your face looking like that?”  Cara raised her eyebrow at Georgia.

“Well, I did think about that.  Maybe I’ll get more tips if I tell customers that my crazy husband beat me up and I’m just working there to get enough money for me and our three kids to leave his sorry tail.”  Georgia was funny like that.

“Well, let me know if it works,” Cara said with a slight giggle and got up.

We followed her lead because we had to get me home before Dad got too mad.  Cara gave us both big hugs and kissed us at the door.  As we walked to Georgia’s car Phil walked down from his auto mechanic shop that was just up the road from the house.  He mostly drank beer there, but somebody worked on cars.

“Whoa, who got ahold of you, kid?”

“Somebody’s girlfriend,” Georgia replied with a forced smirk.

“I told you to leave those boys alone,” Phil chuckled as he took Georgia’s chin with his thumb and forefinger to turn her face for a better look.  His big beefy hands were stained with grease from whatever car he had been working on.

“Come on, man.  You’re gonna get my beautiful face dirty with those paws,” she said as she pulled her face away.

He let her face go and dropped his hand.  He looked over at me with a concerned expression.

“You should see the other guy,” I mumbled softly with a slight smile.  I was afraid of my uncle.  He wasn’t mean, but he was huge.  He looked like he could have played defense for the Bears.

He chuckled at me and then turned to Georgia, “You need to talk?”  He was a man of few words.

“I talked to Cara.  You’ll get to hear all the juicy details from her.  I would ask you to go easy on him when you hear it, but I won’t.”  I looked at Georgia expecting a joking smile, but she was dead serious.

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