Chapter 19

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Thank you all for continuing to read my story.  I love getting encouragement and comments.  please let me know what you think of my story and writing skills.


I woke up in my bed at the lake house.  Instead of getting right up, I stayed under the covers and just thought about what I’d do today.  I wondered if Johnny would come over or if I’d have to go get him.  I knew I wanted to spend the day with him.  When we came in last night it was too late to see if Johnny and his family were here.

I laid in the bed for a little while longer before getting up and getting dressed.  I put my swim suit on under my shorts and t-shirt.  I went into the kitchen where I found Georgia sitting at the table reading a magazine.  She didn’t look up when I came into the room.

“Want some cereal?”

“Yeah,” I responded, “You gonna make it?”

She looked up from her magazine with a smile, “Are your arms broke?”

“That’s what I thought,” I snapped as I reached for the Fruit Loops.  “Where’s Mom?”

“Ah, her and Dad went into town for a while.  Don’t ask because I don’t know why or when they’ll be back.”  She seemed uninterested in the conversation.

I poured the milk into my bowl of cereal and went to sit at the table with Georgia.  “What are you doing today?”

“You see it,” she replied.

“What’s wrong with you,” I asked with true concern.

She got a blank look on her face, “Nothing.”

“Come on, Georgia, just tell me,” I pleaded.

“Fine…I just miss Russ.  I wish I could just do what I want.  I am an adult now, but Dad just want see that.  He just wants to keep control over all of us.  One day I’ll be able have control over my own life.  Then, I’ll be happy with Russ.”  It was almost like when she started telling me this, she couldn’t stop.

“I know Russ has already asked you to move in with him.  Why don’t you go ahead?”

She paused, her expression softening when she gazed at me.  “I just can’t.  Not yet.”  She squirmed in her seat and closed her magazine.  “I’m going to lay out on the pier.  Do you wanna come?”

“Um, I wanted to see what Johnny is doing first.”  I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

“He’s fishing with his dad.  He was here about an hour ago to talk to you.  He said he’d be back around four or so.”  She smiled at me while she finished her statement.

I kept spooning cereal into my mouth trying to hide the irritation I felt because she didn’t wake me.

“He was only here for a minute.  He didn’t want me to wake you.”  How did she know what I was thinking?

“I’ve been there, Savannah.  I know how it feels to be in love for the first time,” she patted me on the shoulder and stood to leave the room.


“You go on, I’ll be out later,” I said without emotion.

She grabbed her towel and kissed my head before heading out the door.  Love?  Really?  I had to wrap my head around this one.  I sat on the couch and turned the television on.  Flipping through the channels I thought about Johnny.  He was wonderful.  And, I was going to be able to spend the whole summer with him.

I laid around on the couch for about an hour before joining Georgia on the pier.  I did always look forward to seeing Johnny all the time.  Maybe it was love…maybe.  I allowed myself to think about him for a little while.  I thought of how much I enjoyed being around him…holding his hand.  I felt the smile that had crept on my face.

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