A Bottle of Crush

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I sat in the back of my study hall, mindlessly doodling all over my notebook. I looked up at the clock to find out we still had an hour left and I was beyond bored, I had already finished all my homework last night. I had nothing else to do. No one ever talks to me in here, I should see if I can just transfer out of here. I just sit here and doodle every day. But then I remembered why I don't want to do that.

I heard the door open, I looked up from my notebook and that's when I saw him.

Jack 'all state champion swimmer for three straight years' Barakat. God, he was looking extra sexy today. Ugh. I love when he wears baby blue and he wears it often. Those skinnies he's wearing should be illegal because of how tight they are. Jack goes and sits in his 'assigned' seat, that's one row over from me.

CALM YOURSELF ALEX. You don't need another boner because of Jack. Yes, it wouldn't be the first one he's unknowingly given me while in here and it probably won't be the last, if he keeps dressing like that. God, help me.

I looked down at my notebook and attempts to block Jack and his illegal skinnies out of my mind. Okay breathe Gaskarth, you can do this.

The PA system comes on for the normal announcements. I attempt to pay attention.

'We are having a week long bake sale in the cafeteria for our Valentine's Day dance this Friday. We will be selling flowers all week for Valentine's during lunch times in the hallway outside the front office. And there will be a meeting after school for all the swimmers. Thanks.'

Nothing I care about really, since I'm not going to the dance, no one send to a flower too, and I'm not a swimmer. Back to doodling for another forty-five minutes.

Just then there is a knock on the classroom door and walks in Rian Dawson, the office attendant for this hour. He walks over to the teacher and explains something and then turns to the class. 'Is there an Alex Gaskarth in here?' My eyes go wide, I raise my hand, and Rian walks over to me and hands me a bottle of orange Crush with a note attached to it. Rian then turns and walks out the door.

Everyone's eyes are on me and I start blushing. I hate being the center of attention. I try to hide myself in the desk I'm sitting at.

'Hey can everyone just stop staring at Alex now,' Jack says suddenly and I look up at him. Everyone then goes back to what they were doing before Rian came in. I say thanks to Jack and he smiles in return.

I sit up in my seat and look the bottle of Crush and then I open the note to see what it says.


All I ever think about is you. You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized. And I just got to know I got a Crush on you.


Your crush.

Wait someone has a crush on me?! What?! Who?! Why?! Oh my god!

I reread the note like five times, trying to get some sort of info out of it. I looked up to see if anyone was looking at me. Nope. Thank god.

The bell rings ending study hall for the day. I put away my notebook, pen and grab the note and bottle of Crush and walk out to my locker. Putting the combo in and opening the door, tossing my bag in and grabbing my lunch from the top shelf and putting the note and Crush in its place. Slamming the door, I look up and see Jack looking at me. Why is he looking at me? Um shit. Don't stare at him. Jack smiles at me, turns and walks down the hall to his class. I walk off to the cafeteria and sits at some random table like normal.

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The day is pretty uneventful after lunch; I go to classes, doodle and attempt to pay attention. I go back to my locker at the end of the day, grabbing the books I need for tonight and I stand there debating on whether I should take the Crush home with me or leave it in my locker. I decide to take it because whoever did buy it for me and I do need something to drink on the long walk home. Okay it's not that long of a walk but it's still a walk. I would take the bus but believe me walking is safer and quicker.

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