Paper Hearts

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It was Wednesday, but that's not important, what is important is that today is a new day. And new day meant I would get something new from my crush.

I was in study hall again; I was happy, but kind of sad too. Why? Jack wasn't in study hall today. The swimmers had a meeting before tonight's game. I kind of was thinking about going. I had been to others before and had fun. I mean hello half naked guys wait; hot, half naked wet guys. I'm definitely going now. But here I am in study hall doing what I do best; doodling. I didn't have much homework last night; thank god I couldn't get Jack and my crush out my mind.

A knock on the classroom door brought me back from my daydreams about Jack. I looked up and saw Matt. He walked over to the Mr. Gomez and nodded his head towards me and shook his head. Matt walked over towards me and I looked at him.

'Hey Alex.'

'Hi Matt.'

'Um do you happen to have your English book? You know the one we're supposed to be reading.'

'Ye..yeah, um jus...just a sec...second.' I grabbed my backpack and grabbed the book when a bunch of Kisses fell out onto the floor. 'Oh shit!'

Matt looked at me then onto the floor. 'Someone has a thing for Kisses.'

'Uh ye...yeah sorry.'

'Don't be sorry; just don't let Jack know you have those. He loves them. He brought like five bags when we went to the store that other night. I think he even got some boxers with them on it. And oh my god why am I telling you this? Um the book?'

I laugh and hand him the book and pick up the Kisses that fell out of my bag. 'Want so...some Kisses? I ha...have like fo...four bags.'

'Uh sure.'

I hand him a few. 'Hey Matt, wha...what time do...does the start to...tonight?' I look up at him and bite my lip.

'Six-thirty. Why you coming?'

'I um wa..was thinking ab...ab...about it.' I start to blush and look at my notebook.

'Hey. Alex you don't need to be nervous around me. I've known you since you were five. I'm not going to make fun of you. I think you should come tonight. In fact if you don't come tonight, I won't give this book back.'

I look up from my notebook and laugh. 'That's the you ca..can do, is thre...threaten not give m...m a back.'

He starts laughing. 'Yeah I'm lame.'

'I'll thi..think ab..about the okay.'

'I really think you should come Gaskarth. Ja-...I would really like it if you came tonight.'

'Fi...fine I'll come. Bu..but Matt is th...there any wa...way I can ge...get a ri..ride?'

'Um if you don't mind being here an hour before the meet and possibly after we could give you a ride.'


'Jack and I, hey maybe we could go out after the meet and get something to eat. Coach doesn't like us eating before the meet.'

'Uh ye...yeah sure, I...I don't m...mind.'

'Okay well I better get back before Dales thinks I'm skipping.'

'O...okay by...bye Matt.'

I look up at the clock after Matt leaves, thirty more minutes till the end of study hall and the beginning of lunch.

Wait a minute. Why was Matt in study hall and not Jack? Matt should have been in the meeting too since he's co-captain with Jack. Maybe Coach is talking to Jack more but who knows. Just then the door opens; Jack walks in and hands Mister Gomez a note and walks over to his desk.

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