Chapter 11

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“So I was thinking when we were finished here you could meet some of my friends.” Logan said to me as we arrived at the venue Eva had chosen for the wedding. Eva was sitting up the front with her driver Bruno.

“They aren’t like Evan are they?” I bit my lip.

He laughed, “No Violet I think Evan was the only psychotic friend I have.” He told me with a smile. “You’ll really like Bree and Lincoln.” He continued. He opened the door of car and hopped out. While I was gathering my things so I could get out Logan went to the other side of the car and opened my door for me.

“Oh thanks Logan.” I thanked absentmindedly as I looked around the amazing venue Eva had chosen. I was right about everything except it being on a mountain it was at the top of a large hill with the beautiful garden area and the courtyard with the amazing view and I could already see the track that took you down to the waterfall.

“So would you like to come meet my friends?” Logan popped up beside me while I was looking around in amazement. It was even better than when I was twelve.

“What?” I looked at him slightly dazed I had been concentrating on my surroundings. “Oh right your friends … sure.” I said as I walked around looking at every little detail. I wondered off towards the entrance when Logan popped up beside me again and grabbed my hand.

“Mom told management that we were a legitimate couple so let’s work on your acting skills.” He chuckled as we headed towards the entrance. I nodded my head and plastered on my fake smile. “We’ve only known each other for a few weeks but I can already tell which smile is genuine and which smile is fake.” Logan murmured as we admired the art work on the cream coloured walls of the lobby.

“Can’t be that hard to tell the difference.” I muttered my reply.

“No it’s pretty tricky but your eyes light up when you’re smile is genuine, sort of how you used to smile at Evan.” He mentioned. I stopped looking at the art work and glanced at him curiously. Was he being serious. “Don’t look at me like that … do you know how hard it is to get to know someone when they’re interested in your driver who happened to be a close friend?” I pulled a face, this was probably as real as Logan had been since I had met him. Apart from last night when he told me about Emily.

“I just assumed that you didn’t like me.”

“I don’t like you but I have to spend the rest of my life with you so I guess I should get to know you.” He smirked.

“You’re an ass.” I let go of his hand and started to walk off by myself heading back towards the front where the car was parked. Eva suddenly appeared.

“Where are going?” she asked curiously.

“I was just looking around.” I told her and turned back around and followed her to the desk where she started talking to the lady behind it.

“Of course Mrs. Manfred, I’ll be right back with a guide to show you around.” The receptionist nodded and then walked to a door behind the desk put in a code on the keypad that locked the door and walked through.

“Are they going to show us around?”

“Yes so you will get to see the waterfall.” She smiled knowingly.

I smiled. “Hello my name is Bradley I’ll be your guide today. Now first on our tour we will be visiting the …” A tall young man around twenty five years old appeared in front of us. He had pale skin, light red hair and a few freckles as well as blue eyes.

Logan and I started to follow Bradley but we both stopped when Logan’s mom didn’t follow us. “Aren’t you coming mom?” Logan asked.

“Oh no! I’ve seen this place a million times, I’m here to have a coffee with Lesley.”  Who’s Lesley? Good question I’m not sure so I shrugged my  shoulders and continued to follow Bradley, as did Logan.

First we went through the dining room. It was beautifully decorated with cream walls and beautiful chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling. There were a near thirty large round tables that sat around ten people. There was a dance floor with shiny floor boards and a door which Bradley pointed out to be the entrance to the kitchen. “We have indoor and outdoor receptions f course depending on the weather but generally our outdoor receptions are far more popular the spectacular view we will see in a moment.” It seemed as though Bradley had done this tour a hundred times, as the tour continued he tried to sell us the most expensive package deal.

“I believe that my mother has already arranged everything here. We are just here to inspect the premises.” Logan said as he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me away from Bradley. I glanced sideways a Logan and he was glaring at the poor tour guide who was just doing his job.

Bradley nodded and continued with the tour. Around twenty minutes later we arrived to where the wedding would take place. “Now this is the end of the tour you have been delightful. If you would like to see the waterfall just follow this track and it will lead you right down.” He said as he wrapped up the tour.

“Thank you.” I smiled politely. He nodded his head and walked back up to the  lobby. “Inspect the premises?” I turned to Logan with a questionable look.

He shrugged his shoulders. “He was giving you the look.” He muttered.

“He’s gay!”

“What? How do you know?” He laughed.

“Did you not look at him? He called us delightful and he plans weddings!” I exclaimed.

“Oh… so do you wanna go look at the waterfall?”

“Sure.” He grabbed my hand and led me towards the track.

I grinned at him and was about to tell him how romantic he was being but he beat me to it, “Shut up Violet.”

“But I wasn’t gonna -.”

“Just shut up.”


“Seriously you’re gonna have to get better at this listening to the man thing!”

“I will not!” I said outraged even though I knew he was joking.

“Just be quiet and enjoy the moment.”

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