Chapter 2 part 2

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Aurora Grace

These lessons weren't that bad, but mostly I just looked at the students, it's like most of them had memorized their whole textbooks off hearts.
They even mouthed along with the teacher as she kept on going . Mrs Handkerchief, I laughed when she introduced herself . She just looked at me and narrowed her eyes, and that reminded me of Ellis. If everyone was gonna have an attitude as bad as theirs then I had no business being here.

When break finally came I went to the deserted cafeteria, it wasn't as full or crowded like one back at home, and I missed everyone there terribly. I missed my life, my friends, my crush-Tate- man I even missed the school. And that's saying a lot.

Here things were different, lifeless almost. It was like I was the living amongst the dead, I know it sounds harsh. But that's just how it was .

-"hi Aurora? I'm Elizabeth, Ellis told me about you, don't mind him he's just grumpy all the time"

I looked up at the girl, she was very pretty, beautiful, she had long black raven hair and pale skin against green eyes. She really was beautiful.

"Oh yeah, I noticed. He's not exactly the biggest ray of sunshine"

Elizabeth laughed and sat down, joined by Ellis and another guy who looked to be our age, he was almost the same height as Ellis , which was maybe 6"5 and had brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes. He too was very handsome.
Now that I think about it, everyone here had pale skin with very chilling eyes.
This is starting to creep me out.

At my comment Ellis just shrugged and was about to say something when the boy they were with elbowed him and held out his hand to me
I suddenly laughed when he said that. And they all looked at me suspiciously.

-"what did I say? She's very judgmental, not to mention rude, typical spoilt brat"

"Thank you Ellis for your unwanted interpretation of my laugh, but I laughed because the name reminded me of something"

I shook Toby's cold hand as they all waited for me to explain.
"Well I think I was about six when I saw these two boys, they were about our age now, I just can't remember their faces or what they looked like. It was late at night and for some reason they were in my house"

-"okay" Ellis sighed and I shot him a look.

"Anyway-" I continued, dragging the 'way' longer than necessary.
"The other guy with the black hair tried to scare the one with the brown hair and the brown one was like"
I laughed again before continuing, this was too funny.
Ellis took my apple and bit into it. Earning a glare from me
"So the other guy was like 'Tobias I can see you' , and I swear to god , they fought for the whole night, because of I'm guessing Tobias did not like the name"

I finish telling my story laughing hard, while the three just sat there looking at me, Elizabeth ended up joining me, along with Ellis . Toby just looked bored .

-"Okay, now that you're done telling your very funny stories, what brings you to Van B"

"Van B?" I look over to Ellis and Elizabeth questioningly.
-"Vancouver Beacon duh! They don't say that anymore?" I can't believe Elizabeth just asked that.
"Um I don't think anyone ever said that Elizabeth". I chewed awkwardly with my eyes down, I really needed to tone down my attitude.

"Anyway, my dad decided for us to move here after we went through a rough patch , and that's all I really wish to say, I'm not trying to be rude but I'd rather not bore you with the deeds"

-"why? Are we not high society enough for you Aurora?"

I honestly couldn't take anymore of Ellis' negative attitude. I'd never been treated like this, and I honestly didn't know how to cope.
Well I had been treated like this once by my granma. She would lock me in the basement for days on end with little to eat, and beat me everyday, telling me I was nothing but a disgrace. But I was only 6.
What could I have possibly done? I was so happy when my dad came to take me, 5 years later. And 6 years later, I have someone treating me like the dirt on their shoes .
It scared me.

I quickly got up and gathered my things, I knew I was gonna cry. So I just told them I needed the bathroom. But truth is I was going home.

-"wow douchbag did you have to be so rude?"

"Seriously Toby I was the rude one? The whole time we were sitting there she looked uninterested, like we were some baggage she was meant to look after!
And don't fucking forget who put us in this fucken place to begin with"

-" well she's not her granma now is she? How the fuck are you planning on getting her to lift the curse if you're treating her like fucking dirt?"

Toby was just really annoying me now. This girl was just as bad as the whole Hastings lot. The whole lot of them .

-"you know what asshole, if she leaves this town because of your overbearing attitude then you'll be worse than her granma-"

-"Toby calm down" Elizabeth was aware of our demeanor now. Toby was furious. His hair was almost as white as mine, and his eyes had also went all white.

-"no Elizabeth, I'm not losing out on the fucking chance to finally be free because Ellis does not have the fucking balls to put the past exactly where it belongs. Past us,
I'm not fucking waiting a century again"

With that Toby took his backpack and left . I don't even know why he carries books anymore . We were all told at the annual town meeting we were to come back to school since a "special" visitor would be living here.
We were all encouraged to treat her like royalty, if the elder council got wind of my attitude towards Aurora. I'll shit my pants.

As much as I hate her, I knew I'd hurt her. Her eyes went all teary and weird and she left in a hurry . It's almost after school now and she hasn't come back from the bathroom.

I asked Elizabeth to go look for her In there although we both knew the answer to that. She'd ran back home . Coward . She can't even handle a ghost . I sighed and got up. If she wanted to act like a child so be it. I was gonna go home myself and make myself some pancakes, yummy.

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