Chapter 13

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A week had passed with me and the three weirdos spending time together. Things between Liza and I had also been resolved. Today was Friday. And for the first time ever I hated friday. With my mind, soul and everything . Cause I knew what this day meant.

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew instantly who it was . I remembered the first time it rang . We hated each other's guts then. To him I was a snobby spoilt rich girl and to me he was the most annoying jerky douchbag ever .
But now moving towards that door, all that mattered was my love. My everything . My Ellis . As annoying as he was and as clueless about modern technology as he was. I loved him with every fibre in my body.

But today was inevitable. We both knew that. As much as we'd wished for it to hold off a bit, I knew he wanted to be free just as much, if not more. I wanted him to stay though, but that would be selfish of me. He'd waited a century for today and now that it was here and happening . I knew I couldn't ask for him to stay .

I got to the door and opened it. He was standing there . Wearing black skinny jeans, maroon dr martins and a maroon shirt with a gray beanie.
Man I'm good with fashion. Yes I'm proud of myself. I looked at him and chuckled lightly as I remembered what he wore the first time.

It was really old horrible stuff. Someone thought it would be a good idea for him to wear blue bootleg jeans, a green shirt and orange chucks. Now that I think about it, how could he have been so rude when he was wearing that? I laugh again, how rude.

-"Aurora Grace, you're doing it again"
For as long as I've known Ellis, there's nothing he disliked more than my random laughs, he finally got used to them. But they irked him sometimes, like now.

"I'm sorry. Come in"
-"thank you, it's freezing outside"

I smiled as he came in. I plugged in the kettle to boil water as he made himself comfortable on the bar stool . I could see him try to hide his amusement as the kettle kept boiling . Sigh, some things never change.
He always did this, even when my phone rang. He'd jump a little then pretend he didn't . Or the time he watched me watching tv. Him, Liza and Toby were star struck.
Or the time when-

-"hey, you promised you wouldn't do that. Please, don't cry Aurora Grace ."

I hadn't even noticed I was crying . But how could he ask me not to. I was losing him . Forever.
Ellis came over to my side of the counter and gave me a warm hug. He was trying to console me, stop me from crying but I broke. I couldn't do it.


I'd only seen Aurora cry twice, and both of those times it almost destroyed me. Seeing her cry now was killing me, no pun intended. And knowing there was nothing I could do about it was almost maddening.

How had she managed to go from being highly annoying to being the girl I'm willing to stay in this lifetime for? Sneaky little thing. I love her. I love her so much. If anything. I'd stay if I had a choice. I would. God knows I would. Heaven knows I would. Hell, even Aurora Grace herself knows I would.

"Don't cry baby please, I promise I'll find a way to come back, I'll never stop trying" she was hiccuping now. So I picked her up and went to her bedroom with her. She was wearing track pants and some baggy shirt and she put her hair into a pony tail. It was so cute.

I laid her on my chest and now we waited for the count down. We'll be going at exactly midnight. And in the morning the town would be deserted and colorful and jovial.

She just laid there . Softly crying.

"Aurora, I love you so much . I know I never said this enough. But I'm telling you now that I love you . My life or rather lack of it, was meaningless . And then you happened and not only did you manage to save Vancouver Beacon, but you saved my vacant ghost heart."

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