Chapter 9

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The whole of yesterday was spent doing research and coming up with plans to win this war. Whatever it was.

Chris and Liza had gone and tried to locate the whereabouts of the Chest. And since we had initially thought it was at her house, Liza had made us realize that Giselle was smarter than that.

She had to hide the Chest where she knew we would never think to look. A place where we would frequent. An obvious place. 'Hiding in place sight.'
So the Chest had to be in VB.
We had planned to separate again and look for the Chest, but Chris said that would be too dangerous, as Giselle probably has her minions watching out for it.

-"so I propose we wait for her to come then kill her and boom, the town is free. I mean to me that seems like an easier option." This was one of the easier decisions and although i'm against killing of any kind, I had to agree with Tobias.

-"yeah I agree too." Aurora Grace was on a couch with her knees up eating slaap chips, who made those anyway? I watched as her lips moved while she ate.
She was avoiding my gaze. I smiled at that knowledge and also the fact that i'd made her blush.
After that bold move of hers, kissing me. She hadn't even looked at me in the eye. I admit the kiss took me by a complete surprise, I couldn't really feel anything. But it was pleasant.

I was a ghost. I was dead. It surprised me even now how I was able to develop such feelings towards her, but feeling something physically was impossible. I knew that. But I wouldn't let it dampen my spirits.

I was still staring at her, and I knew that would make her uncomfortable enough for her to look up, and yes it did. And when she did I winked, she made some funny face and I laughed. Gosh she's gonna be the death of me- again.

-"um did something happen between you two at the library that we don't know about?" I looked up to find Elizabeth's annoyed frown.
"Why do you ask?"
-"I don't know. Just curious." She then looked away and focused on the map on the coffee table.
What was up with her anyway? Not that I cared. I only cared about one person in this room. And she was currently stuffing her face with slaap chips.

What happened over the next few weeks was just anticipation. Aurora Grace's sixth chakra's tingling had gotten worse, which meant Giselle was already here. Or on her way.
So we did what was most important. We spent a lot of time together. We'd visited the museum, the library, the train tracks behind the museum. It kind of became our go-to place.

Things with Liza had also been quite strained. She was more moody and withdrawn, i'd asked her more than a couple times why she was behaving that way, but she never gave me a definite answer. Just how she was worried about Giselle and she didn't want us losing. She'd been my friend for decades now and I didn't want to lose her.
I mean she was definitely better than Tobias.

It had been almost two months now and Giselle still wasn't here. We were now planning on attacking her first. The waiting was quite annoying.
We were currently at Aurora Grace's house, well to be honest we're always there . And Liza and Aurora had gone to the kitchen , to make something to eat I assume. I thought because we were ghosts we didn't eat. We never really ate out of hunger, but out of normalcy I suppose. But Aurora Grace's lasagna was good.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes. What was taking them so long?


The months passed pretty quickly. Giselle wasn't still in sight. And things between my dad and I had gone back to normal. He was also getting along with the weirdos, which was a relief. Somehow these three had become really important to me.
During these months Ellis and I also grew quite close, we still argued but it wasn't as bad as before and he'd apologize even when I was the one who was wrong. Man, why did god give me this talent?

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