
73 3 1

Rating - 9/10

 This ship is so cute! Plus it is absolutely canon might I add.

 I have loved this ship since I first got into Naruto or anime period. I just loved that no matter what happened or how much of a fool Naruto was, Hinata loved him unconditionally. Yeah he was completely oblivious to her feelings for him and was hung up on Sakura for the longest time, but once Naruto finally grew up, he realized that he returned those feelings as well. I absolutely love how Hinata was always there for him, no matter his faults and was one of the only people who didn't hate him growing up.

 When Hinata confessed her love during the Pain arc, I was absolutely thrilled. Then I was upset that they didn't do anything on that fact afterwards. It was like Naruto hadn't either heard her (which he clearly did) or had forgotten. Then we get our little ship moments afterwards where it was pretty obvious that Kishimoto-sensei was clearly teasing us. Then when Neji died, I was so sad, but Naruto and Hinata were able to pull through together. The Last nearly killed me, I was freaking bursting rainbows while watching this movie. The whole movie was so cute and completely about NaruHina, then that kiss over the moon just drove me over the edge. I was absolutely ecstatic. Fast forward a few years, Naruto is the Hokage, and him and Hinata have two adorable kids. I mean, have you seen Himawari?! Cutest kid in the entire freaking series if you ask me.

 I don't think I have to keep explaining considering it is already canon, but I had to make a point. I can't wait to see Boruto the Movie. Is it any good?

 Let me know what you think of my review and what you think of this ship in the comment section please.

 Until Next Time! :)

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