Sebastian x Ciel

108 2 2

Rating - 7/10

 Where do I even start with this ship. This ship is basically canon in my eyes, plus I happen to be a yaoi fangirl, so this ship makes me very happy. This shipping has plenty of evidence to support it as well as some facts I have dug up.

 Before this anime/manga was ever published, it was actually originally supposed to be hentai manga. Is that canon enough for you? There are many pros and cons with this shipping. Well, more pros then there are cons in my opinion.

 The series starts off with Ciel making a deal with a demon, whom he named Sebastian. Sebastian became his butler, whom he serves unconditionally. He ended up selling his soul to the demon (soulmates!), and once he achieves his goal, his soul will be taken by Sebastian. If you ask my opinion through the series, they seem to be very close. Sebastian even dresses and bathes Ciel. There are countless ship worthy moments throughout the series, which I cannot really go into detail since I haven't finished the series. Fast forward to the end of the series, Ciel's goal of revenge has finally been achieved, and Sebastian can finally have his master's soul. The end.

 The first season alone would have been fine with me, but then there was the disaster that was Season 2. I have barely watched this season because I have heard so many bad reviews, but I heard this was full of ship worthy moments as well. I did see the ending, where (SPOILER ALERT!!) Ciel becomes a demon and has to be with Sebastian for all of eternity. Squeal moment! Can you hint more at the yaoi? There is also the Book Of Circus, which I really want to watch, but I want to watch the whole series first.

 That corset scene nearly killed me, as well as the asthma scene. Yeah, I have a yaoi addiction, but I do not care. This ship has many fans for the obvious reasons, but there are actually people out there that hate this ship and would rather have Ciel and Elizabeth be together. I mean, ew. They are cousins aren't they?? You despise yaoi but can tolerate incest? I will never understand some people. If you do ship Ciel and Elizabeth, I do not mean to offend, this is just my personal opinion.

 I hope you like this review and if there is a certain ship you want to see, please leave me a request in the comment section below or via PM. Thank you for requesting!

 Until Next Time! :)

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