
56 3 5

Rating - 9/10

 Where do I even start with the ship? This ship is one of my top 3 OTPs, so yeah, I ship this bad. In my opinion, if it wasn't for Jellal wanting to repent for his sins, I think this would have been canon already. If I am reading the manga or watching the anime and a Jerza moment happens, I get uncontrollable giggles and basically flip out. Just ask Heartbreaker36, I will text first thing in the morning freaking out.

 Not only are they completely compatible, they know basically everything about each other. They grew up together and he even gave Erza her last name. This ship is more canon then NaLu in my eyes, and that's saying something. I also believe that this ship has the most believable evidence of this ship being canon. Like how sometimes when a NaLu moment happens, you think that it could have also been because they are friends. Jerza moments ate 100% true shipping moments that prove that they have feelings for each other.

 We are first introduced to this ship during the Tower of Heaven Arc. I am going to be honest with you, when I first saw Jellal, I hated him. He turned Erza's life completely upside down, made her feel threatened, and killed the people she loved. We are also shown flashbacks of their past, where Jellal and Erza were both prisoners in the Tower of Heaven. It was pretty obvious that Erza had a crush on Jellal growing up, considering the fact then whenever he was near her, she would blush. He gave her her last name, Scarlet, after playing with her red hair, and when Erza takes the fall for the group, he becomes incredibly worried. After Erza is returned from being punished, he becomes furious. When Erza goes to take the fall again, Jellal says it was him instead, where he is taken to be tortured and ends up being manipulated by Ultear. Jellal is fully prepared to kill Erza, but thanks to Natsu, he saves Erza and defeats Jellal.

 During the Oracion Seis Arc, Jellal is in a comatose state and is revived by Wendy, but he has no memory of his past crimes, making him easily manipulated. The only thing he can remember is the name Erza. He encounters Erza, who at first is shocked to see him, but soon realizes that he has amnesia. After Jellal continuously asks her who he is to her, she explains to him his entire past and what he had done to her. Hearing this causes Jellal to break down and cry after learning what type of person he was. In an attempt to take away Erza's hatred of him, he casts a self destruction spell on himself and Nirvana in an attempt to save Erza. She refuses to let him die and convinces him to live and pay for his sins by helping her friends. Also when Jellal was under Midnight's spell, he kept seeing Erza being hurt. After the battle, Jellal is taken into custody by the magic council and before he leaves remembers Erza's name Scarlet.

 After the Tenrou Arc and the seven year gap, Jellal has escaped from prison with the help of Ultear and Meredy. Together, they formed an independent guild named Crime Sorciere. While Team Natsu is training on the beach, they are approached by Jellal and the others. It is revealed that Jellal has regained all of his memories while in prison, and has dedicated his life to redeem his sins. Erza and Jellal go off to talk privately, where Jellal says that death will be the only way to truly redeem his sins. Erza tries to knock some sense into him, but ends up losing her balance, causing them both to tumble down the hill. They end up landing with Jellal straddling her, and they go in for a kiss. Just as their lips almost reach, Jellal pushes her away, saying that he has a fiancé. Later it is revealed he is lying, which Erza knew all along. When Ultear and Meredy ask why he lied, he replied with the fact that he couldn't fall in love, he must suffer for his sins.

 This ship is so sweet and I absolutely love it. Le me know what you think of this review, and if there is a ship you want to see, please leave a request in the comment section below or via PM.

Until Next Time! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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