
66 1 1

Rating - 8/10

This ship is one of my guilty pleasure shippings here. I ship this so bad, again, yaoi fangirl moment. In my opinion, even though I am a hardcore NaruHina shipper, this shipping had the biggest possibility of coming true in the series. Not only did this ship have one of the biggest fanbases, it also had some of the best chemistry in the entire series. There is a lot of evidence to support this shipping as well

 In the beginning of the series, Naruto is known as a delinquent and is a complete loner. Sasuke on the other hand, is at the top of his class and everyone swoons over him. This makes Sasuke the perfect candidate to be Naruto's rival. Not only that, but they are complete opposites. During their time in the academy, they shared a number of (lovers) quarrels, one of them in particular leading to the two of them kissing. Once they graduate from the academy, Team 7 is formed, and it is pretty obvious that the two are not going to get along. In my opinion, I have always thought that Naruto looked up to Sasuke, and all he anted to do was prove his worth to him.

 During their initial training with Team 7, Naruto always seems to fail and Sasuke is always the one to save him when he fails. This ticks Naruto off because he feels so worthless in my opinion and also because he hates being reminded that he will always be 2nd best to Sasuke. During the Chunin exams, Naruto tends to stick near Sasuke, and when a disguised Orochimaru attacks Sasuke, leaving him cowering in fear, Naruto is the one to defend and protect Sasuke and Sakura. He even unleashes Nine Tails Chakra in an attempt to help. During the final rounds of the Chunin exams, Konoha is attacked by the Sand Siblings and Orochimaru. Sasuke runs off, chasing Gaara, to finish his petty little match.

 Gaara ends up loosing his mind, and Sasuke can no longer help considering his curse mark is acting up. Naruto shows up and battles Gaara, not only saving Sasuke, but also making Sasuke realize that Naruto is much stronger then he thought. After this incident, Sasuke becomes a bigger bastard then he was and is constantly hating on Naruto for no reason. Finally, he ends up being manipulated and taken to the dark side. Naruto ends up chasing after and battling Sasuke, but ends up failing in the end.

 After this event, Naruto strives to become stronger to bring Sasuke home and constantly believes in him when everyone else has given up on him. Naruto risks everything to bring him back home, even temporarily throwing away his dreams of becoming Hokage. This continues on for not only the rest of the series, but also all through Shippuden. He even bowed to the Raikage to help spare Sasuke. He matures and makes his primary goal bringing Sasuke back home, no matter his crimes.

 I feel like this ship was pretty much canon for a while, and that it is still kind of canon in an unrequited love kind of way. I personally love this ship, and would have no problem if this ship had actually been canon.

  Let me know what you think of my review and if there is a ship that you want to see, please leave a request in the comment section below or via PM. Thank you for requesting!

 Until Next Time! :)

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