Chapter 8

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   Once we got to calculus the boys directed me to the back to sit with them. before we sat down Jessica and her posse walked in and they headed straight to me. Harry stepped in front of me and the rest of the guys formed a protective circle around me but I pushed my way through them. "Guys, I can take care of myself."

"Awe how cute you got the football team to protect you" Jessica said laughing.

"Oh hey Barbie, where's Ken? Did he finally dump your pathetic little ass?" I shot back.

"I have you know that I have a very big ass and don't you ever call us barbie and ken or else." She sneered.

"Or else what Barbie?" I shot back. She brought her hand back and slapped me a good one. I tensed and was about to launch at her when a pair of hands grabbed my arms from behind and held me back.

"Jessica did you just slap our new student?!?!" The teacher must have walked in without me noticing because he was now right behind Jessica. His face was bright red and his eyes were practically bulging out of his head. "To the office now! Detention for three weeks also as your punishment."

"But sir!" She protested.

"Would you like to double that?" He growled.

"No sir" She said and stormed out.

The teacher turned around to face me. "Are you okay Bella? Do you need to go see the nurse? Do you want me to call Grams to come pick you up?" I was frozen in shock. No this couldn't be happening. "Bell sweetheart, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." At that I stormed out of the classroom. I didnt know what was going through my head but I just had to get out of there. How could he not tell me? How could he embarrass me in front of everyone like that? How dare he- I was cut out of my thoughts when a couple of hands grabbed me from be hind and spun me around. There stood Harry, Ryan, Kennen and the rest of the gang.

"Are you okay? Who is that guy and how does he know you. And why the hell did he call you sweetheart? Like what the hell? He is such a perv and-"

"He is my grandpa" I whisper and cut him off. This obviously caught him off guard.

"What?" He obviously didn't hear me clearly.

"He is my grandpa" I say louder meeting their gazes and flushing red.

"Well that explains a lot and why would he call your grandma instead of your mom?" He asked and I stiffened at the mentioning of my mom. He must of noticed this because he asked,"Are you okay Bella?" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and one rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before the boys could see.

" Do you think you could you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Uh ya sure anything." Harry replied.

"Tell my grandpa I went home early." I say holding back tears.

"Ya sure are you okay tho?" He asks worriedly.

"Ya im fine." And with that I turn and walk to my car. I speed home as fast as I could trying my best to hold back the tears. When I walked in the door to the house Grams was on the phone. A minute later she hangs up and turns to face me.

"I just got off the phone with Pops. He told me you were slapped. Then when he asked if you were okay you just stormed out. Then Ryan told him that you went home crying. Are you okay honey." I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I just let it all out.

"Th-th-they asked about mom." I sobbed and sobbed.

"Awe honey come here. I know I miss her too. I know its hard." She wrapped me up in a big hug and comforted me. I forced myself to stop crying. I hated people seeing my crying. I hate them feeling sorry for me and pitying me. It makes me feel weak and useless. I hate it.

"Im going to go lay in bed." I say and head up to my room. I am so depressed and its been hard hiding it lately. I just cant take it anymore. I went over to my night stand and took out my hidden razor and brought it to my wrist and press down. I slowly drag the razor across my wrist in a straight line. A line of blood appears. I can feel the after pain but it only lasts a second. I do this about fifteen more times. Slowly I work my way up my arm. Once I am done I wash my razor blade off but I dont bother to wash my arm. I throw on some comfy yoga pants and a tank top and I grab my laptop and snuggle down to Once Upon A Time on Netflix. Ten episodes later there was a knock at the door downstairs but I decide to let Grams answer it.

"Bell! There is someone at the door for you!" She yelled up to me.

"Tell them i'm not here." I yell back.

"Too late sorry sweetie." I heard Grams say. the next thing I hear is a knock at my door and I groan.

"Go away. I want to be alone."

The door opens and in walks Harry and the gang. " Hey we wanted to see if you were okay. Your grandpa told-" He stops at the foot of my bed and starts staring wide eyed at something with his mouth gaped open. I follow his gaze and my eyes widen.

"Shit! Get out! All of you get out!" I yell

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