Chapter 10

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"Hey not to be rude but have we met before?" I asked The guy sitting closest to Grams.

"Uh no but you did end up crying in my arms. I'm Alec by the way."

"Well its nice to meet you Alec and i'm sorry you had to witness that. I don't usually break down like that. Its just everything that's been going on I just-" I took in a deep breath and could feel a lump forming in my throat. Oh no not again. I try and hold back the tears and I think Alec can sense that i'm going to cry again.

"Hey hey hey its okay its okay" He says soothingly as he wraps his arms around me. I take a deep breath and pull away.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't like other peoples pity. I hate people feeling sorry for me and thinking i'm weak that's why I don't like crying in front of other people." I say not making eye contact.

"Um Bella can I talk to you in the other room?" Ryan asked.

"Uh ya sure. We will be right back." I said and we went up to my room and closed the door. "So what did you-" I said as I turned around but stopped mid sentence when I came face to face with Ryan. With the very sexy Ryan Clevenger. His blue eyes staring deep into mine. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to completely explode in my chest. One of his arms wrapped around my waist and the other cupped the back of my head. He slowly brought his face closer to mine till I could feel his soft lips gently against mine. My heart speed up faster and I didn't exactly know what to do but my eyes were closed. I felt tingly all over. I loved that feeling. Suddenly he pulled away.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. It took him a few seconds to return the pressure but when he did it was amazing. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer till there was no more space between us. Our lips moved in sync with each others. This time I pulled away. This didn't feel right.

"I'm sorry this isn't right. I hope you understand. I mean we just met today and we already kisses. This isn't right. He just nodded in agreement and with that I left the room and he followed. When we arrived in the kitchen Grams wasn't there. "Where is Grams?" I ask.

" She had to run some errands. She will be back in about an hour." Harry replied.

"So Ryan did you do it?" Austin asked with a smirk.

"Do what?" I asked confused. Harry then elbowed Austin in the side and he winced.

"Err... nothing." he lied.

"Obviously it was something. You better tell me or your going to end up like Jessica." He winced."Or at least tell me if it has anything to do with me." I say.

"It has everything to do with you." He winced once he said that. "I said that out loud didn't I?" He asked.

"Hell ya you did and you better tell me." I said with furry in my eyes. "I swear to god Austin if you don't tell me this fucking instant your going to regret it."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" He smirked.

"It's a fucking promise not tell me god dammit!" By now I was on the edge of blowing up.

"Okay so there was a bet placed to see who could kiss you or get in your pants first." He spilled and winced. Now I exploded.

"WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I yelled. I spun around and marched up to Ryan. I slapped him so hard he stumbled back. " I cant believe you right now. You fucking Bastard!" I pushed him against the wall and had my arm on his throat with him pinned against the wall unable to move. That little shit couldn't even look me in the eye. How pathetic. Harry came up behind me and pulled me off of Ryan. I spun around and looked him dead in the eye. "Which one of you pathetic bastards made this bet?" I asked.

"Evan did." Austin said quietly.

" And you were all stupid enough to listen to him? Out! All of you get out of my house now!" I screamed.

"Bell..." Harry protested.

"Do NOT fucking Bell me. You get your pathetic little ass out of my fucking house now! I don't want to see your pathetic little faces again. Just stay away from me. Leave and don't come back!' I slammed the door in their faced and ran up to my room. I slammed the door and launched myself onto my bed. This cant be fucking happening again.

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