Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning with my alarm screaming in my ear. Fantastic. I groaned and slipped out of the covers. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a grey shirt, shorts, and a blue flannel. I slip on the shorts and shirt and tie the flannel around my waist. I slip on a necklace and a few bracelets. After I straighten my hair I walk over to my makeup desk and take out mu concealer. I put a little on my face then apply some to my wrist to cover up my scars. Just like magic, they disappear. I put on some light mascara and eyeliner. I squirt on some perfume, grab my keys, and my phone and head down stairs.

"Bye Grams!" I yell as I walked out the door. As I got into the drivers seat i noticed my backpack was still in the passenger seat. I stuck the keys in the ignition and drove to school. Once I got to school and found a parking spot I grabbed my backpack and hoped out of the car. As i walked up to the front doors of the school I could hear whispers. One in particular got my attention. "Damn nobody mess with that chick. She is hot and strong." I smiled at this and walked through the front doors. As I walked to my locker I got various hellos and hey's. Wow that's weird and different. Usually people ignore me or push me around. This makes me smile even more. I am in such a good mood this morning and nothing can ruin it.

"Hey bell! Bella!" I turn around and see Harry and the gang. My smile grows.

"Hey guys. Whats up." Harry looks at me with a confused look on his face.

"Why are you smiling at us?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I?" My smile falters a little but I keep smiling.

"Aren't you mad at us?" He asks.

"Oh, ya right." I try to frown." Go away" I saw but then I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry i'm just in a really good mood. Not even Jessica can put me in a bad mood."

"Oh Bella!" I hear Jessica call out my name.

"Speak of the devil" I mutter spin around to face Jessica. "Jessica darling how are you?" I ask with a fake smile. She smiles back at me. I stop smiling at her.

"Ew, don't smile at me." I say.

"Aw, Bella whats the matter. I thought we were friends?" I burst out laughing.

"y-you and m-me f-f-friends?!" I choke in between laughing. "Ha you wish Barbie." Her scowls at me.

"In b that case guess what I have?" She asks mischievously.

"What could you possibly have that would be of interest to me?" I ask.

"This" she says and shows me a video on her screen. It was of me in the bathroom the other day cutting my wrists. What the hell?

"How the fuck do you have that?" I growl.

"Oh I have my ways. Now if I were you I would do everything I say." She smirks at me. Oh how I would love to smack that smirk right off her face.

"Or how about no." I shoot back.

"Fine have it your way. Excuse me! Excuse me everyone can I have your attention please! Gather around. I have something to show you!" She shouted and a circle of people started gathering around us. Oh hell no she isn't showing everyone that. I lurched forward and grabbed the phone and before she could react I deleted the video. Next thing I know I was on the ground with Jessica ion top of me.

"Get the hell off of me you bitch!" I yelled.

"Not till you give me back my phone!" She yelled. I rolled over till I was on top of her.

"Okay you can have your phone back." I said and got off of her. I waited till she stood up. "Here catch." I said and I tossed it to her. She just stood there trying to process what I said and when she did it was too late. The phone had bounced off her chest and landed on the ground with a loud smack. She quickly bent down and picked up. She flipped it over and saw that the screen was shattered and pieces were on the ground.

"Are you frekin' kidding me? My mom is going to kill me I just got this last week!" She screeched.

"Sounds like a personal problem." I shrugged and started to walk off but she grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face her. She brousht her hand up and smacked me pretty hard.

"Ow" I say. "That hurt" I saw.

"Sounds like a personal problem" She mimicked me.

"Oh Bitch you shouldn't have done." I growled.

"Why?" She asked with and amused smile.

"Cause Barbie just unleashed the Beast!" I growled and lurched forward.

A/N: Thank you to all my readers. I will try and update soon. I've just been busy with school and Christmas is next week so ya. I will try to have another update tomorrow. XOXO!


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