Chapter 2 (REWRITE)

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*Picture of Rose above*

Rose and Henry walked out of the Pet Shop and immediately, Rose shielded her eyes from the harsh light. It was her first time in two weeks that she had seen actual light. She breathed in deeply, not only because the collar was tight on her throat, but also because she had been smelling in the grunginess of the Pet Shop. Her eyes darted around, taking in the outside before she would be locked away again.

Henry put his sunglasses on and moved his suit closer to his body, wrapping the left side of the suit under the right side, protecting as much as he could. He turned his head away from the sun. But despite the precautions, the sun didn't seem to faze him as badly as other vampires. The older the vampire, the less the sun affects them.

Rose's collar was making it hard for her to breathe; with each passing breath, she felt the collar tightening around her neck, like a snake choking its prey.

Henry walked to a parked black luxury car. He opened the passenger door and motioned for Rose to get in. She only hesitated for a second before she obeyed, not fully understanding why he was allowing her to sit in a seat. Grabbing the seatbelt, Henry leaned down and buckled her in, earning a flinch and causing Rose to shut her eyes. She jumped when her door was closed. Slowly opening one eye, she watched as Henry got into the driver's seat. He pressed a button and the car roared to life, earning yet another flinch from Rose.

Henry had let go of the leash and the handle fell to the floor of the car. Rose dared not touch the leash, even if it was to move it on the seat. If she were to touch it, she feared she would be beaten.

Henry removed his sunglasses, folded its hinges, and tucked them into his pocket as he spoke, "Sorry that I was rude back there." When silence encased them, he finally looked over at Rose. The surface of her neck was turning red due to the tight collar. He listened to her hard breathing that she was trying to sustain. She was slowly breathing in and out through her nose.

He reached for her collar; she flinched and closed her eyes, expecting him to hit her. Her hands started to tremble at the thought of being beat.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," his voice was calm and soothing. His fingers slowly grasped the collar. She opened her eyes as he loosened the strap, allowing her to breathe properly.

He pulled his hands away and sat back while looking at her. Rose slowly lifted her eyes to meet his. She looked at him questionably. Why didn't he hit me? she thought as she glanced back down, not wanting to stare at him for too long.

"I didn't hit you because you didn't do anything wrong. And even if you did, I still wouldn't hit you," he said simply, as if reading minds was normal.

Did he just- she lifted her eyes to him again, shocked.

"Yes, I did. My power is to enter into a person's mind," Henry said as he looked at her, she looked back down as they made eye contact.

Silence fell between the two, a strange awkward silence.

"Can you even talk?" he asked as he looked at her, realizing that she hadn't said anything at all.

Yes, Master, she thought as she glanced at him again, this time she didn't avert her eyes when they made eye contact.

"Then why don't you?" he asked.

"Because up until now you haven't given me permission to, Master." Her voice was timid, and a little shaky.

"Is that a rule that your old Master had?" Henry asked.

"And the Shopkeeper," she added and looked down, avoiding eye contact again. She twiddled her fingers together, rubbing her thumb over a blue bruise on her hand.

The Vampire's Pet (Published) Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now