Chapter 25 (REWRITE)

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*picture of Lilly above*

The girl stayed silent as she scooted further into the corner. Henry slowly bent down and placed the knife on the ground. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said as he stood up and stepped back from the knife. "Are you Rose's sister?" he asked again.

"What . . . how-" she was cut off when Henry heard someone behind him. He quickly turned around and grabbed the person's arms, just in time to stop the boy from shoving a knife into Henry's chest. Henry was pushed against the wall as he continued to try and push the boy off of him, his arms started to shake as his body became weaker.

"Joey, stop!" Rose's sister said as she grabbed Joey's arm and pulled him off of Henry.

"What, why?! He's a leech!" Joey pointed to Henry with his knife.

"He knows Rose," she said.

Henry looked at Joey – he had dirty blond hair that was shaggy, barely going past his ears. He had vibrant light blue eyes and looked around the age of thirteen, around the same age as Rose's sister.

"Lilly, how do we know if he's telling the truth? He's a vampire; they have humans for Pets!" Joey tried to step towards Henry again.

"He didn't want to hurt me. Look." She pointed to the knife that Henry had placed on the floor.

"I still don't trust him," Joey said.

Lilly turned and faced Henry. "How do you know my sister? Describe her."

Joey's grip tightened around the handle of the blade

"She has brown hair and emerald green eyes. Her birthday is on April thirteenth, and she is now twenty." Henry paused for a second. "I saw what happened . . . both your parents were killed and Rose was taken. She had one book that she read."

Lilly cleared her throat as tears appeared in her eyes. "How do you know my sister?" Her voice unwillingly cracked.

"I was her Master," Henry said in a tone only describable as a whisper.

Lilly stuttered through words as she tried to say something, anything to this monster, but she was beginning to hyperventilate. But so many thoughts, so many terrifying, horrifying thoughts were swirling around her brain she couldn't even get a word out. But Henry heard. Henry heard every profanity thought about him. Every scared, sad, mad, hate-filled thought about him, he heard.

"I didn't treat her like a Pet," Henry said. All those frantic thoughts stopped. "I don't treat humans like that."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Joey asked.

"Rose is in the living room-" before he could say more, Lilly ran past him.

Henry cautiously began to follow her, still aware that Joey had a more than sharp knife ready to strike him. He walked into the room and saw Lilly standing over Rose, her face pale and full of horror.

Lilly's tear-filled eyes met Henry's. "What did you do to her?!" She pulled out her own knife.

"I didn't do anything." He slowly made his way to the couch. Lilly and Joey were unsure how weak he was and were not about to be killed by trying to slice him open. "She was taken by the Special Units Force." Exhaustion rammed into Henry and he no longer cared about the knives. He fell onto the couch wincing for an unknown reason as he did so.

"Why would she be taken?" Lilly asked.

Henry closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, preparing to have his heart stabbed. "I changed her." Lilly stepped forwards. "She asked me to." Lilly froze.

The Vampire's Pet (Published) Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now