VS - Chapter 3

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Rose tapped her fingers against her leg as she blankly stared out the window. She didn't want to see Phil again, not after he had manipulated her to try and leave Henry. She breathed in deeply as she thought about it, but she had to help these pets. She wished she had someone that remotely cared about her when she was a pet, she knew what it felt like and needed to help these people.

She felt as Henry placed his hand on top of hers, she glanced at him.

"You don't have to do this," Henry said as he interlocked his fingers with hers.

"No, I want to help them, I wish I had someone for me, and I know they want someone to do the same."

"I just... I know what he did to you and I can get the pets too-"

"But they'll be scared and probably abused, they need someone that's been through what they've been through."

"I know, but-"

"Henry, I'm going." Henry sighed deeply.

"Fine, but if you ever feel like you need to go then teleport back to the house, I'll get the pets, I promise." Rose placed her other hand on top of his. She looked at Henry who was staring at the road, but a worried look rested on his face. Rose glanced out the window again as she watched the trees and ground move by fast, almost too fast. She closed her eyes, she didn't want to get there anytime soon but knew they would.

They pulled up to the house, Henry glanced at Rose and saw her looking blankly, and yet worriedly, at the house.

"Are -"

"Yes," she said, cutting him off. She continued to look at the house blankly. Henry nodded his head as he got out of the car, a second went by before Rose got out as well.

Henry looked at the house, his childhood house. Even though he grew up there and felt like he should get a warming feeling, he got a cold, hateful, abandoned, feeling. He noticed differences as he walked closer to the house.

Phil's car was parked crooked in the garage, his car was in the space where Lisa's car used to be. Vines and bushes were starting to be overgrown as the vines started to climb the house and the bushes looked like they hadn't been trimmed in years.

He glanced up at the front door, a door he had run out of several times because Phil would yell at him for not being like Rider. He saw Lisa running out the door behind him in an effort to catch him, but he was too fast.

Another image flashed through his head on those same steps, the day that Phil had thrown Lisa out. His fist clenched in anger as he saw Phil shoving Lisa out the door as she stumbled down the steps.

He glanced down at Rose who was clinging to his arm as part of her face was leaning against his arm. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her head. He lightly squeezed her hand for reassurance and she squeezed his hand back.

They walked up the stairs and to the front door, Henry knocked on the front door several times, but there was no answer. After a minute or so Henry opened the door and they walked in. Rose covered her mouth and nose with her free hand and Henry placed his face into his shoulder as he coughed. The smell that they were met with was unbearable. It smelt like alcohol and rotting bodies, it was a bitter smell that both Rose and Henry could taste in the back of their mouths. Rose and Henry both gagged and coughed.

"Dad?!" Henry yelled, not bringing his face out of his shoulder. There was no response. "Dad?!" Henry yelled again, this time a bit more worried. He almost yelled again, but they both froze as they heard glass breaking in the living room.

Henry walked forward as Rose clung to his arm. Henry walked down the curved, dark brown oak stairs. Henry turned the corner and opened the door to the living room. The stench that they had first smelled increased dramatically.

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