Chapter 19 (REWRITE)

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Henry's head rested on Rose's unmoving chest. His eyes and cheeks were stained with dry tears; he had run out of tears to shed. Her body was pale and stiff but wasn't past the stage of not being able to come back. Henry only hoped she never reached that stage.

Right after Lisa had helped Rose, she had helped Rider. He was dazed and confused and didn't remember anything but seeing Rose outside. She had helped him calm down and drove him to his house. She had explained what had happened and he had his own breakdown. Luckily Rider's wife was there and was able to help, eventually calming him down to a reasonable spot. However, both Lisa and his wife decided it would be best if she stayed and helped. After dropping off a blood bag at Henry's house, she left. Henry didn't want anyone in his house anyway.

Henry closed his eyes and breathed out. Rose's hand seemed to shift just a bit. His head immediately raised off of Rose's chest from the movement. Right as he did so, Rose breathed in deeply and shot up. For a few seconds, she couldn't see anything, only blackness before it became blurry shapes. She jumped when something touched her back. Muffled noises infiltrated her ears but she couldn't make anything out. Fear began to creep into her. She didn't know where she was or what was happening!

Something touched her back again and she jumped, but it stayed there. Slowly, she realized it was supporting her. Her vision came into focus and the mumbled noises began to become coherent. Everything that had happened came crashing into her.

"H-Henry?!" Rose was shaking in fear.

Henry nodded his head and hugged her gently. "It's me, I'm here," he said breathlessly.

Rose's shaking arms wrapped around his frame and she felt protected once again. She was back! She was with Henry again! . . . . She was a vampire.

"I-I tho-thought-"

"It's ok, I'm here. I'm here." Henry was on the verge of tears. She cried harder on his shoulder, from happiness.

After holding one another until they were sore, they pulled away.

Henry's eyes trailed down to Rose's bloodstained neck and shirt. He didn't want her in those clothes anymore; he wanted her to wipe all traces of today off of her. A small part of him was scared she would hold in her hurt and concern like she had done so many times. Gently, he reached up and cupped her face with his hand. "We should probably change clothes and clean up," Henry said with a smile. That alone earned a smile from Rose.

Despite how sore and tired he was, Henry picked up Rose. Instantly, she clung to him, burying her face in his chest. He held her closer.

Walking into her room he gently set her down on the bed. "I'm going to go take a shower and change clothes. Do you think you can handle doing the same or do I need to call my mom to help you?" His hand was rubbing small circles on hers.

"I think after a . . . a minute I can manage."

"Ok, if you find that you can't, just mind link me and I'll call my mom."

"Ok, thank you."

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "No problem." He stood up. "I'll be in my room if you need me." She nodded, and with that, he walked out and closed the door behind her.

Rose sat on the bed for a few minutes, allowing her body to regain what little strength it had to begin with. Her mind wandered to what exactly had happened. Rider had attacked and killed her. Henry had changed her into a vampire. She was now a vampire! The very thing that she had feared with all her heart . . . she was now one. But, she had asked Henry to change her; she had wanted to become this to be with him. That somehow made it worth it.

Shoving her thoughts away, she slowly stood and wobbled her way into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes.

Henry finished showering first and changed into a black muscle t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He walked out of his room and went to the kitchen. His hair was still wet, making his dark brown hair look black.

He began to reheat the food he had. However, his mind was focused on one thing, seeing Rose again.

Rose rubbed the towel over her face as she dried it off. She looked at herself in the mirror, noticing that the jagged scars were still on her back; however, the last bit of bruises were gone. She was paler than usual and looked different altogether. Opening her mouth, she noticed the small set of fangs. Taking her finger, she hesitantly rubbed the tips of them – they were sharp and those weren't even fully out. Before she could try and get them to fully extend, something deliciously smelling entered her nose. The strange effect of having her senses heightened would take some getting used to.

Rose opened the door and froze when she saw Henry leaning against the railing. When they made eye contact, he smiled and walked to her.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. Just getting used to this," she said with a small smile.

Henry gently grabbed either of her arms and looked down at her. She looked up at him. Simultaneously, Henry leaned down and she raised her head.

He stopped centimeters from her lips. Can I kiss you? Henry asked. He wanted so badly to press his lips against hers - he had wanted to for a while - but the last thing he wanted to do was rush her or make her feel pressured in any way. However, after today, he needed to do this.

Her smile widened and her cheeks began to burn. She nodded her head, and that was all Henry needed. His lips connected to hers. In that moment, every bit of pain and confusion vanished and both were engulfed in pure bliss. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck and his hands grabbed her waist, impossibly pulling each other closer.

He had made the mistake of not kissing her before she had died and he wasn't going to let another opportunity slip by.

Slowly, they pulled away from one another, the biggest dorkiest smiles on each of their faces. He pulled her closer and lifted her off the ground.

"I must apologize for ruining the moment, but the food is getting cold." At the aspect of food, Rose became even happier.

Henry walked downstairs and sat Rose down on the couch before walking away. When he came back, he had both their meals with him. Sitting down, Rose grabbed her plate and they both began to eat and enjoy one another's company once more.

Rose's head was lying on Henry's blanketed lap. She had been resting for only a few minutes. Quickly, she had discovered that vampires were incapable of sleep; rather, they fell into a state of 'light sleep.'

She twitched, grabbing Henry's attention. She twitched again as a small whimper escaped her lips. He placed his hands in hers and she latched onto it for dear life.

"Come here," Henry murmured. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. She snuggled closer to him. "You're safe now, you're safe," Henry reassured. At the sound of his voice and words, Rose calmed down and allowed Henry to hold her as close as he could get her.

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