C H A P T E R 17

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MY laugh immediately stopped when I noticed that the Renegade's weren't the only ones in the large hallway. Sitting beside them, in just as much pain were government officials who had the earpieces as well. It was as if everyone realized it all at once, and turned to look at each other. Instantly, we backed away from each other, forming two groups on either side of the walkway. And for once, it looked as if the men dressed in white, who had oppressed, beaten, tormented, and publicly executed our kind, were scared... of us.

Everyone, I heard Cole's voice echo in my head, Rifles out. Instantaneously, everyone's guns went outstretched or floated in front of them, aimed at the officials cowering on the other side. They tried to look tough, but it didn't work. They were scared with so many of us. We marched towards them, still with guns, as they tried to walk back. There was no more room.

"We want peace", I barked at the official at the front.

"That will never happen" he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "You "people" if we can even call you that, are not normal. You are not even considered human, by my standards, or anyone's for that matter! You are all freaks!" Every Special was on edge, and ready to lunge towards them. Cole outstretched his arm, holding them all back.

"We can all kill each and everyone of you in a heartbeat" I said, trying my best to sound as intimating as possible. "But despite this, we don't want to fight. But we will if we have to. Only you determine that."

"I don't need a little girl, if I can even call you that, telling―" An arm pushing back his chest cut him off.

"No one talks to my little girl like that" the owner of the arm said. I lowered my rifle, and stepped back. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I swallowed and finally found my words. "Get away from me" I ordered. I felt Cole's arm latch over my front, in a protecting manner. I won't let him hurt you, I heard Cole assure me. Again I swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears in. I didn't want anything more but to run into my father and hug him. But I knew that wasn't a good idea.

"Valerie..." he started.

"Don't", I stopped him, shaking my head.

Suddenly, a heard of Officials with clear masks covering their faces and matching clear shields that roofed their entire white-clothed bodies in order to protect from danger. We're the danger, I thought. The rushed towards us, each with a hand on a gun strapped to their hips. They collided with us; forcing us back far away from the other thinly armed officials. As soon as they did, each soldier was shoved back through the air, and landed on the back-end. They tried to get up, but as soon as they did, water shooting from the water fountains jostled them away, and a wall of Earth shot up in front of us to protect us. Though the way I saw it, there was nothing to protect us from. They could all be easily defeated. This lousy excuse for a government could be overthrown.

"Run!" Cole said. As we ran, I noticed the Connor's cliff was still shoved into the wall, but the woman we had killed behind it, was long gone. I refrained from going to search frantically, and escaped down the other side of the hallway with the rest of my team before the wall collapsed. Cole led us through the maze of hallways the White House harbored before we were directed down a long flight of stairs. The stairs were just as lavish as any other flight in the mansion, but the lights were dimmer and there were no cameras or tourists in sight. I ran along side Cole, marching down the second flight of stairs in the route. "

Where are we going?" I asked in a soft voice, barely audible above the loud clacks of shoes rushing down the stairway. 

"To the basement. It's a secret room that I know Margaret used for her pri-pri-prisoners and ex-experiments." He shuttered. "It makes me sick that I forced to be her accomplice without my consent." His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped the sickness. 

"Its okay now" I said and let my hand graze over his. To my surprise, he slipped his fingers through mine and marched closer to be as we traveled to the basement of Elizabeth, otherwise known as Margaret Savage.


We rounded a corner after what felt like an eternity of stairs and encountered a small door; made for one person at a time, with a foggy window and a large handle encased in hand scanner keypad. "Cole how are we going to..." I started, but halted as he pressed his palm and long, outstretched fingers against the screen of the scanner. The laser elevated up and down over his hand and within seconds granted access and the door slid up, disappearing into the ceiling. "Come on" he said, and we all obliged. I watched as Specials filled the spacious room, and we appeared as such a small crowd. 

"Is this everyone?" I questioned out loud. Everyone turned to look at me, and slowly nodded with the poignant look that played on each of their faces. I wanted to cry, but I swallowed down my melancholy, and opted to follow Cole as he stalked around the basement. We reached a man in a white suit. He had dark, graying hair, and his head slumped over his shoulders. His wrists were chained to the wall above his head. And he looked like a hallow shell of a broken man.

"Valerie, I need to tell you, and everybody else something. For once it may do some good, and save us all."

He kicked the man on the floor with the toe of his shoe lightly in his knee. It reminded me of how Cole kicked me, when I laid on the floor. When that... person who took over Cole's body wanted to kill me. My chest tightened at the thought, and I knew I needed to touch him to make it go away. But when I reached for him, he wasn't there. He was closer to the man. He kicked him again, a bit harder, and this time he dared to look up. His eyes were rimmed red and hallow. His gentle blue eyes were just as pale as his face, and it looked as if he had barely eaten in days. His drained eyes lit up when he peered at Cole. 

"Son" he said, his voice raspy and clearly depleted. President Ross, I thought. 

"Hey dad" Cole murmured, nodding at the man, but barely looking him in the eye. It must be hard to. I heard gossips throughout the basement. Cole looked at me. It's okay, I thought, I knew. He took a long breath in and talked, "We need you to get us out of here." The man nodded. Cole stared long and hard at the shackles that bounded his father. In an instant, they exploded, snapping off of him. It took effort, but the man eventually stood to his feet. It was then when I noticed how much they looked alike. They had the same tall built; and dark russet hair, thought President Ross' was graying; defined facial features; and emotion provoking blue eyes. Cole's were piercing and cold however hid warmth behind them. I've seen it. 

"And who's this little lady?" he inquired, turning to me.

"We have to hurry dad", Cole muttered.

"You're right son" he said, and began to slowly walk on the dirty concrete of the basement floor. He walked over to a circle traced onto the floor in the corner. He lifted it, and revealed a dark, deep hole. "Take your team through this transfer tube", he instructed, "It will lead you to the elevator that takes you down to the passage of the underwater train." Cole nodded, and began ushering Renegades down the shoot. I was the last before Cole to go down. He let go of my hand as air pushed me down the shoot, sucking me through like water through a straw. The last thing I heard was Cole's father saying, "I'm sorry, son". I looked up just in time to see him pushing Cole in.

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