C H A P T E R 19

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I thought that I would die before I ever saw anything close to a humane society again. I thought that I would be killed, fighting for freedom along with my newfound comrades. I thought I would be eliminated, and then dismissed as another impurity, who is finally gone. But I was wrong.

After Margaret disappeared, the trial had to end. No one knew what to believe. When she vanished, each member of Congress, the National Council, and any other branch of the government, was vastly confused, blaming it all on little devices in their ears that they had no idea were there. I'm glad they are free now. Each and everyone agreed as a victim to Margaret's mind control, for they remembered every single thing that went on while they were anesthetized, and claimed that they weren't able to react or say what they truly wanted to.

Because of this, any Special that was locked up was released. As for any Special that was killed during the blind reign of Elizabeth Savage, a massive funeral was held. I held a separate funeral for everyone who had died in the Renegades during our battle in our backyard.

We are allowed in society again. I am living with dad again, as for Cole and anyone who does not have a family to live with; the White House has temporarily been formatted into a foster home for Specials. Cole's father, President Ross, has been charged with knowledge of illegal goods and second hand manslaughter. He was one of the few government heads who new of Margaret's true identity, and what she was planning. Those government heads have been locked away as well. President Damian Ross however was decreed a shorter sentence due to the fact that Margaret betrayed him and had him locked away so long, only allowing him to come out when he had to make a public appearance. In a way, he was a victim himself.

A few days after the trial, the basement was searched. A full inspection also took place. Margaret's tonics and serums were believed to all have been found. Some were even dubbed as useful to humankind. Most however, were said to only diminish our race even more. The most important article found was her time machine. It is to be put in a museum, along with an exhibit to mark this time in history. Like everything that has happened in history, it is put there to ensure it will never happen again. For the world's sake, I hope it never does. However, we have come to know that is never really the case.

I used to believe that humans have lost their humanity and that this world has lost it's sanity as a result and was only bound for the worse. I have come to learn that that is not entirely true. Humans only fear what we do not know because of past bad experiences. It's not fair, but it's apart of nature. Maybe if the future isn't as horrid as the past has been, humans will amend, and welcome change and new things with open arms. However, we are far from that, but we are working towards it. Somehow, I know that one day we will get there. I have come to know that we are no longer incapable of true acceptance.

I am not sure if you are alive, mom. I don't know if I can believe anything Margaret has told me, except for what has proven truthful. They have searched the entire White House, and there has been no sign of you, or any other prisoners, besides President Ross. A part of me wants to believe that you are still out there, somewhere, but the other part: the stronger, bigger part, is telling me you're not. It's telling me Margaret shamelessly killed you. Sadly, I'm believing that part. She attempted to kill you once, right in front of me, and I didn't even know it. I believe you were dead after she did so, but apparently you weren't. You were still here with me, and I let you die again! It hurts knowing that she is still alive and on the verge of thriving again. Nevertheless, I swear mom, one day I will avenge you. If I fail to, I will be content with dying while trying: dying triumphantly as my closet friend, Jack did. After I do, I may be able to see you again. I don't know if I can believe what Margaret said, but because of what she did, I might die before I can.

With everlasting love,

Your daughter, Valerie

I folded the piece of paper, and tucked it into the overflowing chest as the foot of my bed. I pulled off my clothes and placed them into my hamper before slipping into an oversized T-shirt that ironically read: I am special.

"Goodnight dad" I called into the other room.

"Goodnight honey" he called back, before adding a hesitant, "I love you". It seemed as if I hadn't heard that in forever. Maybe its because I hadn't. Strangely, I didn't dwell or have to think about it, before I returned his kind words.

I climbed into my bed, pulling the comforter high above my shoulder, shielding myself from the cold, winter weather that had just begun. My father never liked having the heat on. "Off please", I called politely at my lamp on my beside-table. "Yes, Valerie" it said back, just as politely before fading off. I snuggled into my mattress and mess of sheets, nuzzling my head eagerly into the warmth of the pillows, easily getting comfortable in my familiar bed. Just as I began to drift off to sleep, I heard my communicator buzz on the table. I felt for it, groping in the darkness, until I finally grasped the vibrating device. I picked it up and looked at the screen. Cole's name flashed onto the screen. "Answer" I murmured sleepily. Immediately, I saw Cole's face appear on the screen. I switched my lamp back on remotely. "Hello" I breathed, exhausted sitting up in bed, and setting the communicator on bed-table. He was sweating, continuously running his fingers through his hair. His eyebrows were curved down in deep worry and he took a minute to gather himself, before he frantically answered, "Margaret is back." 

I feel the familiar dizziness and nausea, I hadn't felt in so long. All of the memories, they were slowly coming back to me. My head screams in pain, and my howls soon begin to match it. I fall on the floor screaming and screaming. I hear Cole yelling my name, but I can't annunciate words. I feel thick tears roll down my cheeks, and in the blur of it all I see my dad running into the room. With the mention of her name, and the knowledge that she's back, trauma finds its way into me along with memories... good and bad. The bad ones take over in my head, seizing control. I hear Cole and my father call for me, but I cannot decipher as I scream and wale harder. I cannot control my limbs as the pain spreads to them, moving frantically, again and again. My eyes close and I cannot stop them. At the highest brink of my pain and torture, everything fades into a white oblivion. I hear the last beat of my heart taking in every ounce of agony that came with the calamities and everything I have gone through, and in an instant there is nothing. Everything is gone. I only hear Margaret's ominous cackle pushing its way through my walls, and her steady voice over and over warning in my head. "Goodbye for now." 


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