RANTS - Summer

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Okay, so this is going to be a rant (as you can tell by the title). My rants might be serious, awkward, etc. It all depends on how I'm feeling while I'm writing these. So if you want a real story, and not a glorified author's note, go find another story! Or maybe even read a book. Moving on, my rant is going to be about SUMMER...

Some people love summer, while others don't. I myself don't really care for it. Yes, we do have summer break, but that is about it. I feel like the main reason people like summer is because it is when we get the longest school break. And once you're going into high school (like me), you don't get a genuine break. You suddenly have to worry about colleges, and get assigned summer projects. I already have a bunch of papers to fill out, just to go to marching band camp in August.

It may shock the readers, but not everyone in the world gets an Iphone when they pop out of the womb. I am one of the lucky ones who got a cell phone when I was in fourth grade. Some of my friends on the other hand, only have an email address and a landline. School was the one way I could easily access my friends. It was the best way to communicate with them. Now that summer is here, I can't see all of them. IT SUCKS.

Is it just me, or do people feel dumber during the summer break? I feel like I am losing IQ points for every day I am not in school. I just know that my lexile level is going down as we speak. I know there is going to be that one person, who comments that you can take summer classes, but no one has time for those. And why would they take those classes, if they want to get away from school.

And one last note, I always get nose bleeds during the summer. The heat from the sun basically warms up my blood so much, that they leave my nose for some cool air. I HATE IT.


Okay so this was my first rant. YAY! And I just want to let you know, that I am not going to be revising or editing these rants. The only changes I will make are grammatical or spelling errors, so I don't turn your brain to mush. If you have an opinion on what I said in my rant, leave a comment. I love hearing feedback, and I will reply to as many comments I find.

-Olivia :D

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