Chapter 8 ~ Stitches

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"Hood you're bleeding," Red Robin stated with a weak voice while he held his own jaw. Indeed, he had received a violent uppercut from one of the thugs and it appeared that the man was wearing a brass knuckles. Tim was lucky he didn't get his jaw dislocated due to the impact, but it was severely injured nonetheless.

Hood lowered his head and his eyes widened under his helmet as he saw how much his wound was bleeding even though he had applied pressure on it to stop the bleeding partially. "Yeah, I need to stitch it," he growled as he started to walk away. He took out his phone from his pocket and called one of his lieutenants.

He asked him to send some of his henchmen to come to the warehouse and pick up the truck which was full with the crates to bring it to one of his hangars. Then he turned again towards Red Robin and Kyle. He grabbed the man by the collar and declared menacingly "Tell anyone in the gang that Red Robin was here today and I'll personally take care of you Barnes, understood?" the young man nodded and Hood caught a small glimpse of fear in Kyle's emerald green eyes.

Hood's lieutenant arrived ten minutes later, followed by a group of his henchmen. Red Robin had managed to grapple his way up to the highest catwalks of the building and was hiding in the darkness of the place. Soon, the group of thugs grew even more as some other came too, driving black bulletproof SUV. Those were brought here to protect the truck in case Black Mask would desperately try to get it back as there was a little fortune in it.

As soon as the convoy left the hangar, Red Robin hopped down again and landed next to Red Hood (who had pretended he still had business to deal with and that's why he couldn't join his men to celebrate their successful taking). "You need stitches," the younger man said once again.

"I have a safe house a few blocks away from here, we can go there." The teen nodded and they both left the place. They swung between the buildings before they finally reached Hood's place. They took the fire escape ladder to be more discreet and sneaked inside the apartment via an opened window.

Once inside, Jason took off his helmet and threw it away in the living room. He headed to the bathroom for his first aid kit and sat on the floor as he took his armor off. "Be my guest Tim," he told the teen while he peeled off his black domino mask, "Mi casa es tu casa".

"Can I take a shower?"

"Sure, just borrow some of my clothes." Tim nodded and went to Jason's bedroom. He searched inside the older man's closet and picked up a large blue hoodie and a black sweatpants which was the only thing he could adjust the way too large size to his own.

While Tim was taking a shower, Jason tried his best to stitch up his wound, but the result was rather awful... At last, the man got frustrated and started cursing loudly.

"Are you okay?" Tim asked as he rushed out of the bathroom as soon as he heard Jason, water dripping from his wet hair and wearing Jason's clothes he had borrowed. He saw the bloodied compresses all over the floor and understood immediately. "You don't know how to do proper stitches do you?" he asked with a smile and Jason grumbled in response. "Luckily for you, I do." He approached near his brother and sat beside him on the floor.

"Have you sterilized everything?"

"Yeah, I'm not as bad as that..." Jason snapped as he rolled his eyes and Tim gave him a playful punch on the shoulder while laughing. He then took a look at the wound and snickered when he saw how bad Jason's stitches were. He removed all the stitches and redo them again, his nimble fingers working precisely to close the wound as properly as possible. Alfred had taught him everything he knew about surgery and he was so good at it that even Dick sometimes asked him to stitch him up. Once done, he cleaned Jason's wound carefully with some Betadine.

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